




1.桃汁 芒果汁 mango juice 桃汁 peach juice 草莓汁 strawberry juice ...

2.水蜜桃汁 Roasted Ham 烤火腿 Peach juice 水蜜桃汁 Cranberry juice 山楂汁 ...

3.蜜桃果茶 蓝莓果茶 Blueberry Juice 2765. 蜜桃果茶 Peach Juice 2766. 汇源梨汁 Huiyuan Pear Juice 2767. ...

4.桃子汁uice) 椰子汁(Coconut Juice) 桃子汁(Peach Juice) 苹果汁(Apple Juice) 芒果汁(Mango Juice) 山柚汁(Grape Fruit Juice) 西瓜汁...

5.蜜桃精华 ... Key Lime Juice/ 青柠精华 Peach Juice/ 蜜桃精华 Grapefruit Juice/ 葡萄柚 …

6.水蜜桃果茶 ... 茶类 Tea 水蜜桃果茶 Peach Juice 桑椹果茶 Raspberry Juice ...


1.I poured the peach juice into the cup and drank it up.我把桃子汁倒进杯子里并喝了它。

2.Two cups of peach juice a day keeps the doctor away.榨桃子汁,早一杯,晚一杯。

3.The Orc juice that is poured down Merry's throat is a combination of peach juice and Soda stream cola concentrate.半兽人倒进梅利嘴里的果汁是蜜桃果汁和可乐浓缩物的混合液。

4.Manufacture of the Bachu mushroom Peach Juice Compound Healthy Beverage巴楚蘑菇桃汁复合保健饮料的研制

5.Research on Characteristic Apple Vinegar Beverage with Flat Peach Juice and Watermelon Juice特色蟠桃西瓜苹果醋饮料的研究

6.Tomato juice, carrot juice, peach juice, black gallon juice, plant seeds fruit and vegetables juice番茄汁,胡萝卜汁,蟠桃汁,黑加仑,植物派营养果蔬等

7.Unpmited with coke, sprite, orange juice, peach juice, Mineral water, coffee and tea无限量提供可乐、雪碧、橙汁、桃汁、矿泉水、咖啡和茶

8.Study on Non-thermal Steripzation of Peach Juice by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Field用高压脉冲电场对桃汁非热杀菌的研究

9.Effects of low-molecular-weight chitosan on clarification of peach juice壳低聚糖对水蜜桃汁澄清作用的影响

10.Effect of Ultrahigh Pressure Treatment on Volatile Compounds in Peach Juice超高压处理对桃汁挥发性化学成分的影响