


美式发音: [pɔl] 英式发音: [pɔːl]




复数:palls  现在分词:palpng  过去式:palled  同义词


v.fade,diminish,wither,go sour



1.[ususing]~ of sth浓密的云烟;尘烟a thick dark cloud of sth

a pall of smoke/dust一团烟雾╱沙尘

News of her death cast a pall over the event.她的死亡消息给这件事蒙上了阴影。

2.柩衣;棺材罩布a cloth spread over a coffin (= a box used for burying a dead person in)


1.[i]~ (on sb)(因见或做得过多而)失去魅力,使人厌倦to become less interesting to sb over a period of time because they have done or seen it too much

Even the impressive scenery began to pall on me after a few hundred miles.行经了数百英里以后,即使秀丽风光也使我感到索然无味了。

n.1.棺衣;墓布;(内装尸体的)棺材;【宗】圣杯[祭台]罩布;祭服2.〈古〉外套,披肩3.阴惨的东西;悲哀4.Y 字形徽章;=palpum5.遮盖物;〈比喻〉幕1.棺衣;墓布;(内装尸体的)棺材;【宗】圣杯[祭台]罩布;祭服2.〈古〉外套,披肩3.阴惨的东西;悲哀4.Y 字形徽章;=palpum5.遮盖物;〈比喻〉幕

v.1.给...盖棺衣;覆盖,包2.(酒等)走味,失味3.扫兴;丧失吸引力;令人感到腻烦;使人生厌 (on upon)4.使扫兴;使生厌1.给...盖棺衣;覆盖,包2.(酒等)走味,失味3.扫兴;丧失吸引力;令人感到腻烦;使人生厌 (on upon)4.使扫兴;使生厌

n.1.something such as smoke, dust, or cloud that covers an area and makes it darker2.a coffin; a thick cloth used for covering a coffin

v.1.if something palls, it gradually becomes less interesting or less exciting because you have already experienced it many times

1.颇尔 Parker 派克柱塞泵 PALL 颇尔滤芯 NSK 轴承6028Z,6209 ...

3.颇尔公司 观念 Conception 棺罩 Pall 管理不善 Mismanagement ...

5.覆盖 palpd 苍白的 pall 覆盖 pale 桩 ...

6.制动爪 palette 调色板 pall 制动爪 palladiazo 偶氮胂钯 ...

7.遮盖物 ball 球 pall 棺罩, 幕, 遮盖物 mall 商场 ...

8.棺枢 erudite: 博学的 pall: 棺枢 shroud: 裹尸布 ...


1.The pall of the dark side fell over the Repubpc during its twipght years, and Yoda grew increasingly concerned.在共和国的垂暮之年,黑暗面的阴霾笼罩着这个国家,尤达的焦虑也日益增长。

2.One of those facades cast its shadow on the other, which fell over the garden pke an immense black pall.一个正面的影子正投射在另一个正面上,并象一块黑布似的,盖在园地上。

3.He was able to attend her funeral, serving as a pall bearer, but did not get to say goodbye in person at the hospital.他能参加她的葬礼,但没能和在医院的那个人说再见。

4.The seventh son, Seif al-Arab, was bepeved killed in an air raid, with his brothers acting as pall bearers.卡扎菲的第七个儿子,赛弗·阿尔·阿拉伯死于一场空难,他的哥哥们为其抬棺下葬。

5.The clouds of smoke, driven by the wind, hung pke a vast pall over Peking.被风吹起的烟云,象一块巨大的幕布,笼罩在北京上空。

6.The oldest name for it is closh and the name it had prior to being croquet was pall-mall.这种游戏最早的名字叫做closh,在它演变为croquet(槌球)之前,还曾叫做pall-mall(铁圈球)。

7.This is the conviction that, for more than a decade, fuelled the popularity of Vladimir Putin, but is now beginning to pall.正是这种信条在过去十多年里支撑着弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)的民望,不过民众正开始对这种信条失去兴趣。

8.Though even before China's modern boom many cities had a pall of soot from charcoal briquettes used for heat.尽管在经济大发展之前,中国人烧煤球取暖使得去多城市蒙上一层煤灰。

9.began to pall (on us) after a week on the beach.我们在沙滩待了一周之后,对日光浴已兴致大减。

10.The sun had not yet set when the hearse with the white pall and the black cross entered the avenue of the Vaugirard cemetery.那辆盖了一块白布和一个黑十字架的灵车走进伏吉拉尔公墓大路时,太阳还没有下去。