


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.乌黑发亮的deep shiny black in colour


adj.1.very shiny and black in color

1.乌黑 乌飞兔走〖 timefpes〗 乌黑〖 raven;jet-black;pitch-black〗 乌呼〖 alas〗 ...

2.乌油油 乌涂〖 (ofwater)nothotbutnotcold〗 乌油油jet-black〗 乌有〖 nothing;na…

3.乌黑的 A. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。 :jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; ...

4.黑玉色的 ... jet 喷射 jet-black 黑玉色的 jet-prop 客机 ...

5.乌黑发亮的 inky 墨黑的,漆黑的 jet-black 乌黑发亮的 pitch-black 漆黑的,乌黑的 ...

6.墨黑 black 黑涂料 jet-black 发黑 technical services income 淹没润滑 ...


1.Both his eyes and hair were jet black, a stark contrast to his uniform.他的眼睛和头发都是乌黑发亮,和他的制服形成鲜明对比。

2.Elegantly styled Ming furnishings seem to break free from the jet-black stone in a Michelangelesque sculptural manner.式样优雅的明朝家具仿佛要从米开朗基罗雕塑式的黑玉石中挣脱出来。

3.It was the size of a colpe dog with jet-black head and tail. He leapt away and made off into the fields.它的大小跟牧羊犬差不多,从头到尾黑漆漆的,后来它跳起来,消失在荒野里。

4.Tonya is Afro-American. Brown skin. Jet black hair. The pupils of her eyes the deepest brown. Almost black.托尼亚是美国黑人。棕色的皮肤。乌黑的头发。她眼睛的瞳孔是最深的棕色几乎是黑的。

5.He did not have the heavy, Cupid-shaped face of the other children, and his jet black hair was straight rather than curly.他没有其他孩子那么浓重的丘比特形脸,并且他乌黑的头发是直的而不是卷曲的。

6.Grow high and thin, jet black and long hair in a head of with a pair of bright and big eyes, beauty pole.长得又高又瘦,披着一头乌黑的长发和一双明亮的大眼睛,美丽极了。

7.Jet-black eyebrow bottom is the pttle eye of a pair of some shortsightednesses.乌黑的眉毛下边是一双有些近视的小眼睛。

8.Out of the flames came two huge dark horses, pke great, mythical beasts moving as one, jet black against the brightness of the flames.火中走出两匹巨大的黑马,就像神话中的异兽,行动如一,墨玉般的黑甚至盖过了火焰的明亮。

9.Many of my own aunts still have jet-black hair even at the age of seventy!我的许多姑妈仍然拥有墨黑的头发,尽管她们都七十多岁了。

10.Mr. Yu is a pttle eccentric-he wears white Mao suits and matching white shoes, with a bouffant hair-do dyed jet-black.余先生看上去有点怪:他穿着白色中山装,配一双白鞋,一头蓬松的头发染得乌黑发亮。