




1.伯利恒之星基督教诗歌《伯利恒之星》(The Star of Bethlehem)(钢伴四部合唱)基督教赞美诗<小小的梦想> Christy 基督教现代赞美曲《Co…


1.In the run-up to the Christmas season, Thompson decided to do some research into what the Star of Bethlehem could have been.在圣诞季的前夕,汤普森决定对伯利恒之星的起源进行一些研究。

2.The star has been externapzed as an actual star in the sky, the Star of Bethlehem, in the narration of the Gospel of Matthew.那颗星星作为天上的一颗真实星体而给予具体化,正如马太福音所述,是圣诞星。

3.Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.一些人认为圣诞星是一颗超新星。

4.Nibiru was the "Star of Bethlehem" you ones look at on your Christmas cards.Nibiru是你们在圣诞卡上所见到的“伯利恒星”。

5.But there is one significant event in the Bible that scholars have debated for centuries: The Star of Bethlehem.但学者们已经就圣经中一个重要事件争论了几个世纪,那就是伯利恒之星。

6.The Star of Bethlehem: Was it Jupiter?伯利恒之星:是木星么?

7.Is this apgnment as significant as the Star of Bethlehem was to the birth of Jesus?这是因为作为重要的是伯利恒之星的耶稣诞生路线?