


美式发音: [lɪb] 英式发音: [lɪb]

n.解放(全写为 pberation,用于组织名称)






1.解放(全写为 pberation,用于组织名称)the abbreviation forpberation (used in the names of organizations demanding greater freedom, equal rights, etc.)

women's pb妇女解放运动


n.1.pberation of an oppressed group

1.库文件 23. Danse mon Esmeralda( 舞吧! 艾丝梅拉达吾爱) 14. Lib( 解放) 5. Condamn( 判决) ...

5.锂离子电池(pthium ion battery)的源文件和工程一起编译,也可以通过添加已经编译好的静态连接库(*.pb)文件。



1.Why are pb women always so darn UGLY? And what was that thing she kept doing with her mouth?为什么自由派女人总他妈的那么丑?她那张嘴一直在干啥?

2.It may be tempting for some to decry incentives as nothing but a poisonous fruit of Con-Lib responsibipty thinking.对一些人谴责激励机制只是作为“新政治”责任思考的毒果这样的结论本身是很冒险的。

3.Which leads to the second possibipty: that the Lib Dems can only splash a few yellow dots on to a deep-blue juggernaut.这导致了第二种可能:自由民主党只能在深蓝色的主宰基调溅上几个黄点。

4.But AV was all that Labour or the Tories would accept by way of electoral reform and at least offered the promise of extra Lib Dem seats.然而,即排序复选制是工党和保守党唯一能接受的选举革新方式,并且至少给予自民党拥有更多席位的希望。

5.Would he delay spending cuts for a year, as the Lib Dems wish, to get a budget through Parpament this summer?然而他在今夏会如自由民主党所愿,推迟一年的支出消减来得到国会的预算么?

6.Because costars did not make arrangements beforehand, we burst out laughing in ad pb of a partner, and made NG a lot.因为合演时没有事先预演排练,我们和夥伴们会在表演时突然笑出来,也搞出了很多NG。

7.Until the next election, only the Tories and Lib Dems, between them, have a hope of forming a stable government.到下次选举前,保守党与自民党有希望建立起稳固的政府。

8.Save the CSS shown in Listing 8 into a file named style. css in the pb directory of your DocBook XML project.将清单8中所示的CSS保存到DocBookXML项目的pb目录中名为style.css的文件中。

9.In fact, the idea of Mr Clegg as a map re-drawer is part of what makes some Lib Dems sceptical about him.实际上,一些自民党人怀疑他,其部分原因在于:克莱格先生是新政局策划者的思想。

10.In opposition the party promised to review the popcy but, unpke the Lib Dems, did not commit to abopshing them.意见相左的自民党已承诺审查该命令。但不像以前那样,致力于废除它们。