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n.1.in Hinduism, an incarnation of the god Vishnu

1.罗摩 ... 格威斯 Gervais 瑞玛 Rama 忆特尔数码科技有限公司 Yi Mr Little digital technology Co.,LTD ...


8.拉玛语他们有自己的语言米斯基托语,但是有相当多的人讲米斯基托克里奥尔英语,西班牙语,拉玛语Rama)和其他语言。克里奥 …


1.Asano has just cpmbed down from that bridge and is sitting on cracked steps leading up to a bronze, flower-laden statue of King Rama I.浅野下了桥,坐在一条通向一座青铜像的台阶上,上面已有斑斑裂痕,那是缀满鲜花的罗摩一世的雕像。

2.Mr Nano's own hopes of becoming president were dashed when he failed to win the backing of his successor as party leader, Edi Rama.当接任纳诺担任社会党领袖的艾迪•拉马表示拒绝在选举中支持他时,纳诺的总统梦彻底破灭了。

3.And he gave Rama Yade, a feisty 31-year-old Senegalese, a human-rights post in the foreign ministry.此外,他还让脾气暴躁的31岁塞内加尔人拉玛•亚德(RamaYade)在外交部掌管人权事务。

4.He drew a long breath and repeatedly chanted the name of Rama, every word showering nectar into the hearts of the devotees.他深深地吸了一口气,重复地唱颂着罗摩的名字,每一个字都像甘露般地洒落在奉献者的心里。

5.He aspired to be the greatest transfusionist and acquired the nickname of Rama the Great as a result.他渴望成为最伟大的融合者,并因此得到了一个大拉玛(RamatheGreat)的绰号。

6.in hinduism , parashurama ( " axe - wielding rama " ) is the sixth avatar of vishnu , and a son of jamadagni.在印度教,持斧罗摩是毗瑟奴的第六个化身,杰玛达尼的一个儿子。

7.The smoke from Ravana's arrows finally began to pft. Rama lay dead on the ground. -Oh, no!拉法纳之箭的烟雾终于生起,拉玛躺在地上,死去了。-哦,不!

8.The Ramayana one of the most famous texts of India, tells the story of the great avatar, Rama.最著名的印度文献之一罗摩传,讲述了伟大化身罗摩。

9.Mr Rama has achievements of his own in Tirana, which is much improved from the chaotic place it once was.Rama先生也有需要成就在曾经一片混乱的而现在已经有很大改进的地拉那(Tirana)。

10.In a recent paper with Rama Katkar, he investigated whether reserve prices in eBay auctions should be open or secret.在最近与拉玛-卡特卡尔(RamaKatkar)合著的一篇论文中,他对eBay拍卖中的保留价格应该公开还是保密的问题进行了研究。