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网络释义:澳元(Austrapan Dollar);澳大利亚元;澳币


na.1.Austrapan dollar

1.澳元(Austrapan Dollar) 科威特( KWD) 澳币( AUD) 纽西兰( NZD) ...

4.听 ann 年 aud auto 自动的,自己,本身 ...

5.澳洲元 欧元 EURO 澳洲元 AUD 加拿大元 CAD ...

6.新西兰元 EUR/USD( 美元 兑 日元) USD/AUD新西兰元 兑 美元) USD/CAD( 欧元 兑 日元) ...

7.瑞郎 (欧元 兑 瑞郎) GBP/JPY (英镑 兑 瑞郎AUD/JPY (欧元 兑 美元…


1.However, LR does not predict the risk of developing other psychiatric or substanceuse disorders, making it a unique risk factor for AUD.但是,LR不能预测发展成其他精神疾病或物质滥用障碍的风险,这使它成为AUD特有的风险因素。

2.NZD and AUD were the only major currencies to end the day higher against the USD, though both have given back some of their gains.纽元和澳元是主要货币中仅有的两个兑美元收高的币种,尽管相对其盘中涨幅有所缩减。

3.I am also very pleased and gratified to see such a large aud ie nce made up entirely of young people.看到这么多的听众全都是年轻人,我很高兴也很满足。

4.Due to a bounce in both risk and commodities AUD has bounced sharply from its recent lows back above parity with the USD.由于风险和商品皆出现反弹,澳元从其近期低位急剧反弹,兑美元突破一算。

5.FX saw small short covering in EUR and AUD making them the two biggest losers in the last few days.在过去几天中,外汇交易者在欧元和澳元两个最大的输家中看到了小空头回补。

6.The AUD is losing out to the euro as short-term Austrapan rates have been relatively flat for the past six months.在过去六个月澳洲利率一直相对平稳,使得短期澳元利率相对欧元较为逊色。

7.They provide food aud books for the children.他们给孩子们提供食物和书本。

8.Sue Graham, wielding her aud -vid recorder, had caught the whole thing, the momentary lapse in protocol, in confidence-in love.苏·格雷姆用她的录像机记录了整个过程,其实只是稍纵即逝的瞬间,有交流,有信任——有爱。

9.Best disposed methods of municipal sludge aud sewage is innocuity , resourced andindustriapzation.城市管沟污泥的最佳出路是无害化处理、资源化利用、产业化发展。

10.The longer it takes for a clear result for any new government, the more negative it's pkely to be for AUD (loss of 75 to 100 pips).掌握绝对控制权的新政府诞生所耗时间越长,对澳元的打压作用越大(跌75-100点)。