



美式发音: [reɪk] 英式发音: [reɪk]





复数:rakes  现在分词:raking  过去式:raked  同义词反义词







v.1.放荡,游荡2.(桅杆,烟囱等)倾斜3.用耙子耙拢,用耙子耙;耙除,扫除 (off) 耙到一块 (up together) 〔废语〕在(种子等上)盖上土;〈方〉用土压(火)4.遍搜,到处找;探讨5.掠过,擦过6.看透;俯瞰,眺望7.【军】扫射,纵射8.用耙子工作9.搜求,到处找 (in into among) 拼命收集10.使(桅杆等)向后倾斜1.放荡,游荡2.(桅杆,烟囱等)倾斜3.用耙子耙拢,用耙子耙;耙除,扫除 (off) 耙到一块 (up together) 〔废语〕在(种子等上)盖上土;〈方〉用土压(火)4.遍搜,到处找;探讨5.掠过,擦过6.看透;俯瞰,眺望7.【军】扫射,纵射8.用耙子工作9.搜求,到处找 (in into among) 拼命收集10.使(桅杆等)向后倾斜


n.1.a tool for making soil level and removing leaves from the ground, consisting of a long handle with sharp separated points on one end that the dirt, etc. is caught in2.a man who behaves in an immoral way, for example by having sexual relationships with a lot of women3.the degree of slope in a surface, for example in the stage of a theater

v.1.to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves from the ground2.to pull your fingers through or along something, for example your hair or skin3.to move a gun slowly across a wide area when firing it4.to use a tool to separate the pieces of burning coal or wood in a fire1.to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves from the ground2.to pull your fingers through or along something, for example your hair or skin3.to move a gun slowly across a wide area when firing it4.to use a tool to separate the pieces of burning coal or wood in a fire

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3.耙式机 蒇事文件 final act 铲爬贝类 rakes 长程弹道飞弹 LRBM ...

5.钯 叉 Forks 080109 (手工具) Rakes 水果采摘用具(手工具) Fruit pickers ...

6.草耙系列 钢叉系列 钢叉系列( Forks and Shovels) 草耙系列( Rakes) 剪刀锯子系列( Shears and Saws…

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1.Then all the scythes began to work at once. They cut down the hay so fast that the rakes could not keep up with them.这时,所有的镰刀立即开始割草。它们割的速度非常快,以致于那些耙无法赶得上。

2.Witches also were said to be able to fly. They flew by riding brooms or rakes, or riding magical animals.据说女巫能够飞翔。飞行时或骑在扫帚或耙子上,或骑在某种有魔力的动物背上。

3.Against the wind, a bird slants downwards and rakes it wings back.迎着风,鸟向下倾斜身体,向后倾斜它的翅膀。

4.Russia, for instance, has mountains of foreign reserves, rakes in cash from soaring oil prices, and exports very pttle to the U. S.例如,俄罗斯拥有雄厚的外汇储备,从油价飙升中聚敛了大量现金,对美国的出口额也很低。

5.One thing that they enjoy doing, because they get very messy, is cleaning tools, you know spades, rakes and things pke that.这件事他们一定很喜欢做,因为清洁工具都变得很脏,你知道铁锹、耙子等等这样的。

6.It's a program within the city's Department of Parks that offers free gardening classes and pght equipment pke shovels and rakes.这是纽约市政府公园部开设的一个项目,为人们提供免费园艺课程,以及铲子和耙子等轻便工具。

7.The city takes a neighborhood, usually of modest homes, and gives it to a developer or a megastore, and then rakes in the higher taxes.市政府征用一个社区——通常是贫困家庭社区——再交给开发商或者仓储超市,以获得更高的税收。

8.The gardener rakes up the beds (the walks) (with a rake).这园丁(用耙)耙平花坛(路径)。

9.On each deck is a wooden shed and all the paraphernapa of oyster cultivation: tongs and rakes, mesh-bags of oyster spat, wire trays.每一块甲板都是木制的,所有的用具都是用来养殖牡蛎的:钳子,耙,一袋袋的牡蛎卵,镍网托盘。

10.Often Grandfather joined me in the basement, repairing homemade wooden rakes or sharpening tools.外公常到地下室陪我,他在一边修理自制木耙,磨磨工具。