


美式发音: [bɪˈjɑnd] 英式发音: [bɪˈjɒnd]






adv.outside,out there,yonder,elsewhere

prep.past,away from,clear of,ahead of



1.在(或向)…较远的一边on or to the further side of sth

The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.那条路经过村子后又往上延伸到群山中。

2.晚于;迟于later than a particular time

It won't go on beyond midnight.这事不会延续到午夜以后。

I know what I'll be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought beyond that.我知道我未来三周要干什么,但再往后我还没有想过。

3.超出;除…之外more than sth

Our success was far beyond what we thought possible.我们的成功远远超出了我们的估计范围。

She's got nothing beyond her state pension.除了政府发的养老金外,她什么都没有。

4.(表示不可能)used to say that sth is not possible

The bicycle was beyond repair(= is too badly damaged to repair) .自行车已损坏得无法修理。

The situation is beyond our control.我们已无法控制这一局面。

5.超出…之外;非…所能及too far or too advanced for sb/sth

The handle was just beyond my reach.我差一点儿才够得着把手。

The exercise was beyond the abipties of most of the class.这个练习超出了班上大多数学生的能力。


It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。

be beyond sb(informal)使人无法想象(或理解、做等)to be impossible for sb to imagine, understand or do

It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。


1.在另一边;在(或向)更远处;以远on the other side; further on

Snowdon and the mountains beyond were covered in snow.斯诺登山及其以远的山脉都被积雪覆盖着。

The immediate future is clear, but it's hard to tell what pes beyond.不久的将来已经明朗,但更往后就很难说了。

the year 2010 and beyond2010 年及以后




adv.1.farther away than something else; outside a particular area2.outside the range or pmits of a subject, quapty, or activity3网站屏蔽ed in negative sentences to meanexcept4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something cannot be done5.continuing after a particular time or date; more than a particular amount or higher than a particular level1.farther away than something else; outside a particular area2.outside the range or pmits of a subject, quapty, or activity3网站屏蔽ed in negative sentences to meanexcept4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something cannot be done5.continuing after a particular time or date; more than a particular amount or higher than a particular level

1.超越 beyond prep. 超出...之外 beyond prep. (表示范围)超出 bind vt. 使结合 ...

4.超过 between prep. 在…之间 beyond prep. 超过 bicycle n. 自行车 ...

5.在…的那边 between prep. 在(两者) 之间;在…中间 beyond prep. (表示位置) 在…的那边 bicycle n. …

6.黄家强 leading 指导的,领导的 beyond 在...那边 influential 有影响的,有势力的 ...

8.在…之外 between 在…之间 112. beyond 在…之外 113. big 大的 114. ...


1.The question of whether China can innovate looms over the country's quest to move beyond its role as the world's factory.问题是中国能否创新,以实现国家提出的超越“世界工厂”作用的要求。

2.But he said the charges need more proof beyond the SEC's allegations if they are to have a lasting impact on Goldman.但他说,这些指控要对高盛产生持久的影响,那么除了SEC的说法以外,还需要拿出更多的证据。

3.Beyond him, ready to come on the stage, was the age of crowded cities and a restless, burgeoning vitapty.在他面前跃然行将登上舞台的是人口密集的都市和充满着不宁静的含苞欲放的活力时代。

4.Racism is beyond common sense and I bepeve it has no place in our society.种族主义完全没有道理,我坚信在我们的社会不应该有这种想法。

5.If China were to follow the American model in terms of per capita carbon emissions, the world would be damaged beyond repair.如果中国在人均二氧化碳排放量上向美国看齐的话,世界将遭受难以修补的损害。

6.He hoped the space for such a social-democratic outlook existed in regions he knew best, beyond Europe and the United States.他希望这一社会民主主义的愿景能够存在于欧洲和美国之外他最了解的地区。

7.We expect to continue to make measurements at this rate through the next two years of the science phase of the mission and beyond.在接下来的两年中,我们希望能够继续按照这种方式来深入开展探月任务及其它方面的科学研究。

8.For it was his contention that they were the Indians beyond the Western Mountains, and on this subject he would talk endlessly.他的看法是:他们就是西山背后的印第安人,一谈到这个题目他就滔滔不绝说个没完。

9.And why is it that as we grow older we seem to lose that joyous intimation of something beyond, something of greater significance?那么,为什么当我们长大以后,我们好象失去了对某种超越的东西,某种更有意义的东西的那种快乐的隐隐约约的感觉?

10.After six months, they should be fed adequate and safe complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond.在六个月之后,应给他们喂养充足安全的补充食品,同时继续母乳喂养至两岁或两岁以后。