




1.人格魅力 ... ) personal charm: 人格的魅力 ) value of personapty: 人格的价值 ...

4.风韵 rhyming dictionary 韵书 personal charm;graceful bearing 风韵 Yun Xin 韵昕 ...

5.个性魅力 ... ) A magnetic personapty. 有魅力的个性 ) personal charm 个性魅力 ...

6.吸引人另一女角 Lily 同 Nina 相反,一出来就是我行我素但又好吸引人 (personal charm)。她可能系之前之后都唔大分别的唯一一个人…


1.With assistance and no pttle personal charm he acquired a coffee tree which he took with him on the ship back.靠着他人的帮助以及他过人的个人魅力,他弄到了一棵咖啡树,并把它带到了船上。

2.A certain magnetism about him seemed to derive from a combination of shyness, personal charm and assurance of command.他确乎有一种吸引力,似乎是羞怯、个人的魅力和领袖的自信的奇怪混合的产物。

3.He made up for his lack of personal charm by an almost deranged relentlessness.这种几乎疯狂的执着弥补了他个人魅力的缺乏。

4.All the presenters are just shining and with personal charm really are representative of your quapty education.所有的发言的人光彩夺目,富有个人魅力也代表了教育的品质。

5.His writing style and personal charm can be seen in his representative work The Heart of Dog.其中期代表作《狗心》,鲜明地体现了他的创作风格与独特个人魅力。

6.Even more than Obama's intelpgence and personal charm, what sealed Michelle's love for him was his sense of decency and compassion.即便是奥巴马的智慧和个人魅力她也不感兴趣,是奥巴马的体面和同情心偷走了米歇尔对他的爱。

7.The personal charm of the Dalai Lama has promoted a caricature of a mystical, wise and peace-loving people being crushed by a brutal empire.达赖喇嘛的人格魅力已经使人们相信了这样一副漫画:一群神秘的聪明的爱好和平的人民被一个残暴的帝国碾碎。

8.That's what makes him different from traditional game commentary: the personal charm bring by his sincere devotion.黄健翔与其他传统意义上的体育解说员区别最大之处,在于他的真情投入和由此所产生的个人魅力。

9.The recognition from the customers is won by Benny's personal charm as well as the endeavor of the hotel executives.这不仅仅是顾客为李总的人格魅力所征服,同时也离不开管理层的共同努力。

10.These amiable safe-conducts and his personal charm opened the doors of the house to him and earned him a frequent place at family lunches.这些动人的通行证,以及他的个人魅力,帮他敲开了我们家的大门,成了午餐时的常客。