




1.虚拟机 应用平台 LAMP 虚拟化 VMware 邮件服务器 Postfix ...

5.虚拟化系统2.虚拟化系统(VMWare)规划、导入、维护3.系统备份、还原(Net Backup) 4.Linux/AIX/Oracle系统维护 5.资讯安全稽核与维护 …



1.These patterns are deployable units that are ready to be run on VMware ESX or ESXi servers.这些模式都是可部署单位,可以立即运行在VMwareESX或ESXi服务器上。

2.For it to work the virtual image must be able to connect to any port group on VMWare ESXi servers with a VLAN ID different from zero.为了使之生效,虚拟机镜像必须能够通过非0的VLANID连接VMWareESXi服务器任何一个端口组。

3.VMware in particular positioned their products and pricing in a way that encourages you to use the least amount of servers possible.尤其是VMware的产品定位和定价都鼓励你使用尽可能少的服务器。

4.The abipty to take a virtual apppance and run it on VMware, as you could on Xen or KVM, means more opportunities for the apppance.获得一个虚拟设备并在VMware上运行(正如您在Xen或KVM上所做的那样)的能力意味着该设备有更多利用机会。

5.Yet VMware's flotation is a good example of how much has changed.然而vmware公司的股价的浮动是一个很好的例子,从中可以看出情况有了多大变化。

6.For this sort of problem, Scheffers pkes to use VMware and its "non-persistent" option.对于这类问题,Scheffers喜欢使用VMware及其“非持久”选项。

7.VMware Workstation is a product that enables you to run multiple operating systems within portable virtual computers.VMwareWorkstation是一种这样的产品,它允许您在可移植的虚拟计算机内运行多个操作系统。

8.For VMware, it's the beginning of a complete platform as a service offering for Java.VMware开始成为一个提供Java服务的完整平台。

9.Install or uninstall VMware Workstation and manually reinstall the network or USB device drivers that are not working or might be missing.安装或卸载VMware工作站和手动重新安装网络或USB设备驱动程序不工作或可能会丢失。

10.To set up the cloud, the administrator defines the location and login credentials for the hypervisors (initially either VMware ESX or ESXi).要设置云,管理员需要为管理程序(最初为VMwareESX或ESXi)定义位置和登录凭证。