




1.最好的药 ... Room at the Table 餐桌上的位置 The Best Medicine 最好的药 Praying Hands 祈祷 …

2.最佳良药 ... 运动五要诀 Five Tips for Exercising 最佳良药 The Best Medicine 春季过敏多 During Spring ...

3.最好的药方 ... The Doll and a White Rose 布娃娃和一枝白玫瑰 The Best Medicine 最好的药方 ...


1.Mrs. Kay thanked us for coming, that it was truly a surprise and that our visit was the best medicine that she has had in a long time.凯伊太太感谢我们的到来,说这是个很大的惊喜,我们的拜访是这么长一段时间以来她得到的最佳药方。

2.It broke my heart and I knew that coming home and taking the pressure off would be the best medicine for him.那让我伤透了心。最终我决定让他回家,然后给他压力,让他醒来。

3.It might be a wife who's been cured of low self-esteem. . . or a pair of lovers who find honesty to be the best medicine.可能是一个妻子终被治愈走出自卑…可能是一对恋人发现坦诚相待乃最佳良药。

4.Music is the best medicine to heal me, no one can accompany me to pass through the sea of sorrow.音乐是我疗伤最好的药,没有谁能陪我走过悲伤的海。

5.If you know you may be sickness, the best medicine 15 minutes before boarding.如果知道自己可能会晕机,最好在登机前15分钟服药。

6.Laughter really is the best medicine, and if you can laugh away the stress, your outlook for the rest of the day will be a lot more rosy.笑是最好的药,如果你能笑对压力,那么你这一天剩下的时间就会过得很美好了。

7.The best hospital is the kitchen. The best medicine is food - the best curative effect can be achieved by persistence in food therapy.他的经典理论是“最好的医生是你自己;最好的医院是厨房;最好的药物是食物——坚持食疗便可达到最佳疗效。”

8.Whoever told these people that laughter was the best medicine should have warned them about overdosing.那些告诉别人大笑是最佳良药的人,还应该警告他们过量使用的后果。

9.The best medicine for you now would be a good hopday.对你来说,过愉快的假期一剂良药。

10.Laughter is rightly called the best medicine as it repeves not only the one who laughs, but those around him as well.笑确实是最好的药,因为它不仅放松笑的人,而且也会令周围的人放松。