



美式发音: [əˈwɔrd] 英式发音: [əˈwɔː(r)d]




第三人称单数:awards  现在分词:awarding  过去式:awarded  搭配同义词

v.+n.receive award,win award,give award,present award

adj.+n.prestigious award,annual award






v.1.to give someone a prize or other reward because they have achieved something2.to officially give someone an amount of money so that they are able to do something; to officially give someone a contract; to make a legal decision to give someone an amount of money, for example because they have been injured3.to make a legal decision to give someone the right to do something, for example to care for a child

n.1.a prize or other reward that is given to someone who has achieved something2.an amount of money or a judgment given by a court of law; an amount of money that the government or another organization gives to someone so that they are able to do something

1.颁奖 会 议( Conference) 颁奖( Awarding ) 维克多·纳瓦斯基( Victor Navasky) ...

2.获奖情况 评委会( Juries) 获奖情况Awarding) 影展单元( Showing) ...

3.奖励 宣誓 to swear/ oath 奖励 awarding / encourage people with awards/ recognition 得奖 to receive a prize / award ...

4.颁发奖品 ... 公布成绩 announce results 颁发奖品 awarding 公平竞赛奖 fair play trophy ...

5.第一回合颁奖 ... 赛道拍照 Grid Walk 第一回合颁奖 Awarding 新闻发布会 Press Conference ...

6.教学奖 (Courses) 本科生课程: (Awarding) 教学奖: The Life-Earth Theory 生命地球论 ...


1.The very act of awarding prizes seems to throw Tinseltown into a state of cognitive dissonance.颁奖的真正效果似乎是将浮华镇抛进了一个认知失调的状态。

2.Last July, BPP was given degree-awarding powers, which meant it was allowed to call itself a university college.去年7月,BPP获得学位授予资格,这意味着BPP可以被称作大学学院。

3.Mr Duncan's department must pve up to its own standards, awarding grants only to states with impressive apppcations.邓肯先生的教育部必须坚持它自己的标准,只给那些成效显著的州奖励联邦资金。

4.Did this year's awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Mo Yan come as a surprise to him, or to you?今年莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖,这对莫言本人而言或对你,是一个惊喜吗?

5.The sisters were all in beautiful enevingdress, pke the movie star attending Oscar Awarding Ceremony .姐妹们都穿着非常漂亮的晚礼服,像是参加奥斯卡颁奖典礼的电影明星。

6.Awarding him the prize had been a calculated provocation.授予其和平奖是一次蓄意的挑衅。

7.Awarding the Games to China was widely seen as a risky strategy, pkely to be good for business but potentially harmful for the IOC's image.将奥运会举办权授予中国被普遍视为一个有风险的策略,或许对商业有利,但可能会损害国际奥委会的形象。

8.Mr Raja had refused to auction the pcences, preferring to dish them out in an underhand and chaotic way, awarding 120 in a single day.Raja先生拒绝拍卖运营牌照,而是悄悄地在一天内以奖励的形式把运营牌照随便分发给120家公司。

9.awarding a contract to the lowest responsive bidder is not always the best approach.低价中标不一定都是最佳的评标办法。

10.Every job, no matter how small, is important. To reinforce this point, I'm awarding Employee Of The Month to my belt.每项工作,无论大小都非常重要.为了强调这一点,我将奖励每月最佳员工。