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5.胖小孩s Gallery ,看见那个在广岛投掷的原子弹「胖小孩Fat Boy)」的复制品,与真品尺寸一样。


7.肥仔摩托原装正品ZIPPO 1998 日版蓝冰哈雷 肥仔摩托FAT BOY


1."Now, Friday is better than Saturday, and Saturday is better than Sunday, " he said, looking longingly at his Fat Boy.现在,星期五比星期六好,星期六比星期天好。他看着他的胖儿子说到。

2.We had such a fat boy at school: His cheeks were so adipose that his eyes had become mere spts.我们学校中的胖小子都是这样的:肥胖的脸颊使眼睛眯成一条缝。

3.He turned around to see a large, fat boy in the uniform of another school who was looking at Billy and sniggering.他四下张望,只见穿着其他学校校服的胖男孩正看着边窃笑,边看着自己。

4.In the middle of the scar he stood on his head and grinned at the reversed fat boy.在孤岩当中,他就地来了个拿大顶,咧嘴笑看着颠倒了的胖男孩。

5.The fat boy's name was AEneas , his father's name was Patroclus, and his mother's Daphne.小胖仔名叫爱涅阿斯,他的爸爸叫普特洛克勒斯,他的妈妈叫达芙妮。

6.He tried to be off hand and not too obviously uninterested , but the fat boy hurried after him.他努力装出一副随随便便的样子,同时又避免表露出过分明显的无动于衷,可那胖男孩急匆匆地跟着他。

7.Too much Kentucky Fried Chicken made him a fat boy.吃太多的肯德鸡使他成为一个胖小孩。

8.His name is not fat boy! You can be so rude sometimes.他的名字不叫肥男!你有时候真的很没礼貌。

9.The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight.这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

10.I am the class the most fat boy, height is not high also, but I don't inferiority for it.我是班上最胖的男孩,身高也不高,但我不自卑。