




1.经济补偿 经费 funds,spending 经济补偿 economic compensation 经济补偿金 monetary economic compensatio…

2.经济薪酬 经济剧烈波动 drastic fluctuations in the economy 经济赔偿 economic compensation 经济全球化 economic globapzation ...

4.经济补偿与赔偿 ... 十、经济补偿与赔偿Ⅹ: Economic compensation 十一、劳动争议处理Ⅺ: Settlement of labor dispute ...

5.经济补偿金 ... ) economic compensation 经济补偿金 ) economic compensation rights 经济补偿权 ...


1.But if mistakenly arrested is a poor, it is possible to call on him eat food, to the point of economic compensation passed.但如果误抓的是个穷人,有可能请他吃顿饭、给点经济补偿就过去了。

2.Overtime Wages and Economic Compensation for Termination of a Labor Contract can be Accepted or Not?他能否得到加班工资和解除劳动合同的补偿金?

3.Party A should pay economic compensation to Party B in accordance with the relevant provisions of this contract when transferring the work.甲方依照本合同有关规定应当向劳动者支付经济补偿的,在办结工作交接时支付。

4.Calculation of economic compensation to the standard monthly wage shall not be less than the local minimum wage.经济补偿的月工资计算标准不得低于当地最低工资标准。

5.As a means of financial reserves and economic compensation, the function and efficiency of the earthquake insurance can not be ignored.地震保险作为一种资金储备和经济补偿的手段,其作用和效率不容忽视。

6.Therefore, giving economic compensation to cultivated land protectors is a necessary choice to promote cultivated land protection.因而,给予耕地保护者一定的经济补偿是促进耕地保护的一个必要选择。

7.It starts from the category and characteristics of economic compensation and makes systematic classification of economic compensation.本文以经济补偿金的种类和特征为起点,将经济补偿金进行了系统的分类。

8.New requirements for the termination of the labour contract and the corresponding economic compensation.对劳动合同的终止及相应经济补偿提出新的要求。

9.Fifth, it should be made clear that being a jury person has the right to get his reward and economic compensation.五是明确规定担任陪审员应获得的相应报酬及经济补偿权力;

10.Last, strategies to complete economic compensation to once - servicemen were discussed as the focal point.最后,重点论述了完善退役军人经济补偿的对策和实施途径。