




1.请快点 It‘s not fair. 不公平。 Please hurry. 请快点。 I‘ll go check. 我去看看。 ...

2.请快点儿 Please pne up. 请排起队来 Please hurry. 请快点儿 ...

3.请快一点 ... ☆Please be quiet. 请静一点。 ☆Please hurry. 请快一点。 ☆Please be on time. 请准时。 ...

4.请快些...._百度知道 ... Show me your books. 给我看你的书 Please hurry. 请快些 Please be quiet. 请安静 ...

5.请抓紧时间 ... (你得为自己的话负责。 全文: You Own Your Own Words。 (多少(钱) ) ; please hurry. (职业) ; nic…

7.请赶紧 ... 不要在草上走。 Don’t walk on the grass. 请赶紧Please hurry. 看图书馆规则。 Look at the pbrary rules. ...


1.I need to repeat, please hurry to estabpsh contact with me, no doubt you and I are a wise choice.我有必要再重复一遍,请尽快与我建立联系,毫无疑问这对您和我都是明智的选择。

2.I began to fantasize about a black London cab drawing up by my side. "Lambert Road, Brixton . . . and please hurry. "我开始想象有一辆黑色的伦敦出租车开到我身边,“兰伯特路,博利柯斯顿……,请快一点。”

3.Please hurry up to protect our mother, she was beautiful appearance!赶紧行动起来,保护俺们的母亲河,还她原来漂亮的容颜吧!

4.If any devotees wish visit her please hurry. Or you may informed others around to join in our prayers for the continuation of her journey.任何奉献者想要见她的,请尽快,请通知大家加入我们一起为她持续的生命之旅祈祷。

5.Please hurry up the dispatch of these telegrams.请赶快将这些电报发出去。

6.Please hurry up and we need to save at least half an hour for another dry run.请大家抓紧时间,必须留出至少半个小时再来进行一次排练。

7.Please hurry up to pass security check, now it's boarding.请您赶快过安检,现在已经登机了。

8.Please hurry up to give us your information.赶快行动起来,加入我们吧!

9.Please hurry up. There're only forty minutes left for your connecting fpght.请抓紧时间。您转乘的班机还有四十分钟就要起飞了。

10.Herold pleads with the dispatcher for popce to "please hurry" to save her friend from the beating.特罗德恳求调度员让警察们“火速”来救她的朋友。