




1.午饭 午餐【 lunch;midday meal】 午饭【 lunch;midday meal】 午后【 in the afternoon】 ...

2.中饭 中耳炎[ otitis media] 中饭[ midday meal] 中锋[ center forward] ...

3.中食 ... methods of practice 行法 midday meal 中食 middle cause 中因 ...

4.中午饭 ... 中午饭1. lunch;midday meal 吃中午饭1. eat lunch ...


1.Mother did not know Bill was gone until she gathered the children for the midday meal.母亲不知道比尔走了,直到她收集了中午吃饭的孩子。

2.Mrs Yadav has brought her children to a state-run nursery in Bhindusi village in rural Rajasthan. The free midday meal is being dished out.Yadav夫人会带孩子到拉贾斯坦乡下的Bhindusi村去,那里有一座邦立托儿所发放免费午餐。

3.Morning and midday meal, they only go together, the rest of the time rarely together.早间与午间吃饭,他们只走在一起,其余时间很少在一起会合。

4.A hearty midday meal can power you through the rest of the day.一顿丰盛的午餐,可以让你在剩余的一天中充满活力。

5.The midday meal is the main meal, with the exception of the holy month of Ramadan.中午吃饭是主餐,除了斋月。

6.One of their traditions is to enjoy a long midday meal.享受漫长的中餐是他们的传统之一。

7.In the UK, most children have their midday meal at school, but in many schools, parents can choose what they eat.在英国,大多数的孩子在学校有他们的正午一餐,但是在许多学校中,父母能选择他们吃的。

8.In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing.在城市中悠闲的吃午餐传统正在消失。

9.In today's fast-paced society, few people take time to enjoy this midday meal. Most of us just rush right through it.在当今快节奏的社会中,很少有人花时间去享受午餐。我们中的大多数人只是凑合一下而已。

10.In Europe, skiers not only stop for a midday meal, they take time to enjoy it.在欧洲,滑雪的人不仅停下来吃午餐,而且还藉此时间享受美味佳肴带来的乐趣。