




1.一笑而过 laugh at 嘲笑 laugh it off 一笑而过 laughing stock 笑料;笑柄 ...

2.一笑置之 laugh at 嘲笑;因…而发笑 laugh it off 一笑而过,一笑置之 go back on 违背;背叛;丢弃 ...

3.一笑了之 大笑 laugh aloud 一笑了之 laugh it off 笑在最后 laugh last ...

4.笑着挥手 ... Laugh it off,let it go and 笑着挥手,让它走 When you wake up it will seem 当再次醒来的时候 ...

5.开怀大笑 ... Step 1 Get moving1. 运动 Step 2 Laugh it off2. 开怀大笑 Step 3 Look at the bright side3. 多看看光明的一面 ...


1.If I tell you, you promise me that you won't laugh it off.如果我告诉你,你答应我你们不会一笑置之。

2.Opened up, after the storm, turned his head and laugh it off the old sad.海阔天空,狂风暴雨以后,转过头,对旧心酸一笑而过。

3.The face of questioning, the earth to laugh it off, leave me a flower meditation.面对质问,大地一笑而过,留下我一株花沉思。

4.Daniel: If I tell you, you promise we won't laugh it off.丹尼尔:那如果我告诉你,你答应我你们不会一笑置之。

5.The face of trouble and sorrow, to laugh it off is a peaceful repeved, and then try to resolve, which is a state.面对烦恼和忧愁,一笑而过是一种平和释然,然后努力化解,这是一种境界。

6.The face of failure and frustration, laugh it off is an optimistic self-confidence, and then settle down, it is a courage.面对失败和挫折,一笑而过是一种乐观自信,然后重整旗鼓,这是一种勇气。

7.Notice how they don't know whether to laugh it off or cry so they look to their parents to see the parents face?你可注意他们并不知道该放声大哭还是笑所以他们去看父母的脸?

8.The face of praise and encouragement, to laugh it off as a modest sober, and then keep making progress, it is a force.面对赞扬和鼓励,一笑而过是一种谦虚清醒,然后不断进取,这是一种力量。

9.Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said.有人也许会对此一笑了之,或者责备这孩子的不懂事,有人甚至不把她的话放在心上。

10.Laugh it off let it go and when you wake up it will seem. . . So yesterday, so yesterday. Haven't you heard (that you're so yesterday).停止笑让它走,当你醒来的时候它就像……那样的昨天,那样的昨天。你没有听见吗?你仍是昨天的那样。