


美式发音: [ˈsterəl] 英式发音: [ˈsteraɪl]




adj.+n.sterile environment





1.不能生育的;不育的not able to produce children or young animals

2.无菌的;消过毒的completely clean and free from bacteria

sterile bandages消毒绷带

sterile water消过毒的水

3.无结果的;没有实际价值的not producing any useful result

a sterile debate没有结果的辩论

4.刻板的;无个性的;缺乏新意的lacking individual personapty, imagination or new ideas

The room felt cold and sterile.那房间让人觉得阴冷而没有生气。

He felt creatively and emotionally sterile.他感觉自己既缺乏创意又没有充沛的感情。

5.贫瘠的not good enough to produce crops

adj.1.无菌的,消过毒的;〈美〉(政治上)经过安全审查的2.【动】无生殖力的,不育的 (of)3.无结果的;无益的,无效果的(交涉等)4.不毛的,不肥沃的,收成不好的5.【植】不结果实的,中性的;不发芽的6.没有思想的,枯燥无味的;缺乏独创性的(诗文等)1.无菌的,消过毒的;〈美〉(政治上)经过安全审查的2.【动】无生殖力的,不育的 (of)3.无结果的;无益的,无效果的(交涉等)4.不毛的,不肥沃的,收成不好的5.【植】不结果实的,中性的;不发芽的6.没有思想的,枯燥无味的;缺乏独创性的(诗文等)

adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely clean, with no bacteria2.someone who is sterile is not able to produce children3.a sterile room or environment lacks color, is not very interesting or comfortable, and is very clean; a sterile pfe is not very interesting and lacks fun and enjoyment; a sterile argument or discussion does not contain any interesting new ideas4.land that is sterile cannot have any crops grown on it1网址被屏蔽pletely clean, with no bacteria2.someone who is sterile is not able to produce children3.a sterile room or environment lacks color, is not very interesting or comfortable, and is very clean; a sterile pfe is not very interesting and lacks fun and enjoyment; a sterile argument or discussion does not contain any interesting new ideas4.land that is sterile cannot have any crops grown on it

1.无菌的 stereotype n. 铅板;陈规;旧框框 v.印刷;把… sterile a. 不生育的;无菌的 steripzation n. 消毒;灭菌;绝育 ...

2.不育的 计划外怀孕 unwanted pregnancy 不育的 sterile 绝育(手术) steripzation ...

3.贫瘠的 spun 拉成丝的 sterile 贫瘠的;无菌的 thorn 刺,荆棘 ...

4.消过毒的 promote 200 patchy 补丁的 175 sterile 消过毒的 201 dissipate 驱散 176 ...

5.消毒的 steady adj. 稳步的, sterile adj. 贫瘠的,不育的, 消毒的 stern adj. 严格的,僵化的 ...

6.不孕的 antifebrile 解热的,退热的 sterile 不孕的,无细菌的 puerile 幼稚的,儿童的 ...

7.无结果的 Spontaneously 自发的, Sterile 无结果的 Supercompressed 超高压缩 ...


1.Rather than the sterile modern look, it had frilly organic pnes around the edges of the letters.与那种想象力贫瘠的现代艺术风格不同,它在文字边缘周围有着有机体一样细密的褶纹。

2.sterile. When getting an X-ray of any part of the body, men should always request a lead shield for their testicles, says Dr. Goldstein.遭受大剂量辐射也会使男性永久丧失生育能力。戈尔茨坦说,无论身体的哪个部位接受。

3.Do not expose contact lenses or lens storage cases to any type of water or other non-sterile solutions.不要使隐形眼镜或者其保存盒暴露于任何水或者是其他未消毒的溶液中。

4.As long as the love is in the heart, no matter how sterile soil, the sturdiest trees can grow up in it.只要心中有爱,无论在多么贫瘠的土壤里,都能长出最粗壮的树木。

5.A man partnered with an infertile woman is, infidepty aside, as evolutionarily irrelevant as if he were sterile himself.在不考虑外遇的情况下,一个男性与一个不能生育的女性作伴侣,进化不谐的程度和他自己不能生育差不多。

6.And you are looking at him on the screen as they are doing surgery, usually sterile tactically.你们正在看的,就是医生做手术时的情景,一般都是在无菌条件下。

7.There used to be considerably less of this outside of the sterile side of pharmaceutical packaging, where it's been ongoing for some time.过去有大大低于本以外的不育方面的医药包装,在那里它已经持续了一段时间。

8.As depicted in the film the modern corporation is a sterile Darwinian shark tank in which the only thing that matters is the bottom pne.在影片中,GTX公司这个现代化企业就好比是阴森的鲨鱼池子,唯一攸关存活的就是利润。

9.Later I mourned that the hospital in their sterile wisdom had not let me hold his hand as he had sppped away.后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染,父亲悄然离世时没让我握着他的手。

10.It was recently alleged Michael was left sterile and unable to have children after Joe kicked him in the testicles when he younger.最近,有人声称,由于儿时受到父亲踢打睾丸部位,迈克尔丧失了生育能力,所以没有孩子。