

New Mexico

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n.1.【城】新墨西哥州,a state of the southwest United States



1.新墨西哥州椒(Anaheim)   500 - 1,000 新墨西哥辣椒New Mexico)   500 - 700 圣太菲辣椒(Santa Fe Grande)   100 - 500 希腊金椒(…

4.新墨西哥级 New Mexican 新墨西哥人 New Mexico 美新墨西哥州 new order 新秩序 ...


1.and the couple have now set up camp in a ranch in New Mexico. It seems pke this pretty woman at least, it really is a happy ending.而且这对夫妇在新墨西哥州的一个牧场里宿营。看起来,这个美丽女人最终有了一个美满的结局。

2.New Mexico can earn up to three hundred dollars a year for good attendance.在新墨西哥的一所学校的学生因为好的出勤率每年可以得到多达三百美元。

3.Richardson's official status in the United States, but the governor of New Mexico, and diplomatic did not touch.理查森在美国的官方身份,不过是新墨西哥州的州长,和外交丝毫沾不上边。

4.In 1873, Gallegos returned to the U. S. House of Representatives, once more as a delegate from New Mexico.在1873年,盖乐葛斯再次代表新墨西哥回到美国众议院担任众议员。

5.Old Man Lowery trudges into a small-town bar in New Mexico one day looking for two audiotapes that have been long forgotten.老人洛厄成为在新墨西哥州的小镇酒吧激起一天,有两个期待已久被遗忘的录音带。

6.Georgia is usually the biggest pecan producer. Other top states include Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.通常,乔治亚州是最大的产地,其他出产也颇多的州有亚利桑那州、路易斯安娜州、新墨西哥州、俄克拉何马州和得克萨斯州。

7.boost Friday when one of his former rivals, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, endorsed him during a campaign rally in Portland, Oregon.同时周五,参议员奥巴马在俄勒冈州波特兰的总统选举中,得到了其前竞争对手新墨西哥州州长。

8.Students at one school in New Mexico can earn up to three hundred dollars a year for good attendance.在新墨西哥州的一所学校,出勤率高的学生一年能有近300美元的收入。

9.But New Mexico is about to get a brand-new ghost town that could be part of a high-tech, green-energy future.但是新墨西哥州却即将建成一座全新的幽灵之城,这座幽灵城可能会成为我们高科技、绿色能源的未来的一部分。

10.Shifting dunes of gypsum, sculpted by the wind, cover White Sands National Monument, New Mexico.在风的雕刻下,石膏般的沙丘变换着形态,覆盖在新墨西哥州的白沙国家景区。