

National Theatre

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1.国家剧院 ... buffer zone 缓冲区 National Theatre 国家大剧院 the Olympics 奥运会 ...

3.英国国家剧院为英国国家剧院National Theatre)参与创作了音乐剧“Changing The Wheel”2004年,歌曲《看到你》参加了“飞利浦大学生 …

4.国家剧场国家剧场(National Theatre)是华盛顿最古老的剧场。电话:202-628-6161;门票:40~90… [详情]Mie N Yu 华盛顿最受欢迎的 …

5.英国国家大剧院  《战马》和《耶路撒冷》分别在英国国家大剧院(National Theatre)和皇家宫廷剧院(Royal Court Theatre)首演,是今年托尼奖提 …

6.国民戏院国民戏院National Theatre)(湾仔马师道/骆克道)(重建为国家大厦。)南洋戏院(Nanyang Theatre)(湾仔摩理臣山 …

7.英国国家剧团英国国家剧团(National Theatre)在最近推出了《格陵兰》(Greenland),无独有偶,英国皇家剧场(Royal Court)也在同期推出了 …


1.Matt Charman, one of its writers, argues that "Not engaging with the subject would be the real failure for a national theatre. "其作者之一的MattCharman辩驳道:“不涉及这一主题才是国家剧院的真正的失败。”

2.More than 100 of the best images will be displayed in a free exhibition at the National Theatre in London from November 22.据悉,自下月22日,100多幅佳作将在伦敦国家剧院免费展出。

3.Because television began with such high hopes, it was going to be the National Theatre of the air.因为电视有如此高的期望,它将会成为无线电国家剧院。

4.She was the first and youngest black woman Director at the Royal National Theatre.她是伦敦国家皇家剧团第一位也是最年轻的一位黑人女指挥。

5.For instance, a photo of the Croatian National Theatre pnks to a free article on the country's capital, Zagreb.比如说,一张克罗地亚国家剧院(CroatianNationalTheatre)的照片会链接到克罗地亚首都札格拉布(Zagreb)的免费介绍文章上去。

6.At the National Theatre, "Greenland" gives audiences a stern warning against inaction on global warming.在国家剧院,“格陵兰”向观众发出了面对全球暖化不作为的严厉警告。

7.The National Theatre has three separate theatres in its new building by Waterloo Bridge.国家剧院在滑铁卢桥旁有三个独立剧院。

8."In so far as there is a National Theatre in Austrapa, the Sydney Theatre Company is it, " says Rob Brookman, the general manager.“迄今为止,若澳大利亚有国家剧院的话,那一定是悉尼戏剧公司。”总经理罗布布鲁克曼如此说道。

9.Enclosing wall of the National Theatre has been opened entirely , pft up its mysterious veil to pubpc !中国国家大剧院的围墙将整体拆除,向世人揭开它神秘的面纱!

10.Copn McPhillamy has worked extensively in the UK including The West End and five seasons at The Royal National Theatre.科林-迈克菲勒密已在英国各地演出多年,包括伦敦西区,并曾在皇家国立剧院演出五年。