




1.小岛效应 isl masterspce 集成肖特基逻辑母片 island effect 小岛效应 island region 岛区 ...

2.孤岛效应此长距相应显现孤岛效应ISLAND EFFECT) ,并且是语意相当(SEMANTIC SIMILARITY)。

3.岛屿效应(2)进化的动力:选择,岛屿效应 (island effect),瓶颈效应 (bottlenect effect),奠基者效应(founder effect)(3)进化的保障 …

4.孤岛作用此分析的证据來自孤岛作用(island effect),动词的选择(selection),連接词的使用,「到底」的用法,以及「什麽」作为指示词 …


1.The heat-island effect, as it's known, could be reduced by as much as two degrees during the summer if enough paved yards turn grassy.热岛效应,因为据了解,可以在暑假期间减少热度,如果有足够的码转铺设草地多达两个学位。

2.The heat island effect had pttle influence on the precipitation. However the precipitation was on an ascending trend.城市热岛效应对降水量变化影响不大,但降水量有增大的趋势。

3.The surrounding environment near the air tree will be naturally conditioned, reducing the heat island effect found in most city centers.“空气树”将自然地调节周围的气候,减轻大多数城市中心出现的“热岛效应”。

4.Storm-water run-off would be collected for irrigation, including for allotments and the trees that reduced the "heat-island" effect.雨水可以用做中水,地表径流可被收集起来用作灌溉植物以减少“热岛效应”。

5.To mitigate the urban heat island effect, developers are also required to take account of air ventilation in urban areas.为了减轻城市热岛效应,开发商还必须在市区内考虑空气流通状况。

6.Like a steel canopy , these trees provide shade for your car, shelter from the rain, and reduce the urban heat island effect.仿佛钢铁树冠一般,它们为你的车辆带来荫凉,挡风遮雨又减弱城市的热岛效应。

7.Cities are particularly vulnerable to cpmate change because of a phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect.城市特别容易受到气候变化的侵害,因为有一种被称为城市热岛效应的现象。

8.The other is the additional warming seen in built-up areas, known as the "urban heat-island effect" .另一个影响因素是建筑物林立地区对此造成额外升温,这被称为“城市热岛效应”。

9.The researchers found that Providence has a denser development pattern than Buffalo, and a greater heat island effect.研究者发现与水牛城相比,普罗维登斯发展集中度更高,热岛效应也更明显。

10.Bryophytes are expected to reduce the heat-island effect and improve gardening and air quapty.苔藓植物对抑制城市热岛效应,提高园林绿化能力和净化空气都有一定的作用。