




1.汽巴 固化技术实力 - 中化新网讯瑞士巴塞尔消息,日前汽巴(Ciba)同意大利特殊化学品集团 Lamberti 达成了一项收购协议,汽巴 …

2.瑞士汽巴瑞士汽巴(CIBA)世界精细化工业的领先者之一.汽巴精化(CibaSpecialtyChemicals)是一家总部设在瑞士巴塞尔的精细化工生产商 …

3.汽巴精化正汽巴精化(Ciba)日前凭借其新开发的经济型多用途导电油墨Ciba XYMARA,获得了由IDTechEx颁发的科技进步材料奖。据悉 …

4.汽巴公司日前汽巴公司(Ciba)面向印刷油墨和设计包装等行业推出了XYMARA Nordic? 效果颜料,以帮助设计师实现更加新颖独特的印刷 …


6.瑞士的汽巴如瑞士的汽巴Ciba)精化、美国的Microban、Morton、Acros、ARP、Huels、Ferro、Troy等公司。但近来汽巴(Ciba)、 …



1.So far, Ciba is still the South before the Spring Festival every year people around the food must be done.至今,糍粑仍是南方各地人民每年春节前必做的美食。

2.Ciba has placed an order for these containers, which have been certified and approved by the United Nations.汽巴已订购了这些容器,其中已认证并批准了联合国。

3.Ciba some areas pkely to be made into round, some small, some a symbol of harvest, celebration and reunion.有的地方将糍粑制作成圆形,有大有小,象征着丰收、喜庆和团圆。

4.Mr. Kuno Kohler Regional President Ciba Specialty Chemicals , Region Asia North .柯先生,北亚区域总裁,汽巴精化。

5.The rest can be left to future excess Ciba plus eggs, or glutinous rice to eat more sweet.剩下的多余糍粑可以留到日后加鸡蛋或者醪糟煮来吃,比较甜。

6.Sichuan cold Ciba color, aroma and taste, soft waxy alcohol and sweet, the cool entrance, refreshing.四川凉糍粑色香味俱佳,糯软醇甜,入口凉爽,沁人心脾。

7.Chinese New Year approaching, the family will do some preparation work, cleaning, make arrangements for New Year, killed in pigs, Ciba do.临近过年的时候,家里会做一些准备工作,打扫卫生,操办年货,杀年猪,做糍粑。

8.The Swiss chemical companies Ciba and Sandoz merged to form Novartis, most famous for its drug, Ritapn.瑞士化工企业汽巴和山德士合并组成的诺华,最有名的是它生产的药物利他林。

9.In addition, Siemens, Nokia, Ciba, Finland Jia Ba group demands of its suppper for ISO14001 certification.另外,德国西门子、芬兰诺基亚、瑞士汽巴、嘉巴集团都要求其供货方进行ISO14001的认证。

10.Tibetans are nomads on the steppes, Ciba is the food in their pockets.藏族人是草原上的游牧民族,糍粑就是他们口袋里的食物。