



[ bullies ]

n.欺凌弱小者, 开球vt.恐吓, 威胁, 欺负


Don't let them bully you. Fight back!

别让他们欺侮你. 把他们顶回去!

It is wrong of you to bully the child.


Don't allow those big boys to bully you; stick up for yourself!


The smaller boys badly wanted to give the bully a dose of his own medicine.


You've solved the puzzle at last? Well, bully for you!

你最後把这难题解决啦? 哦,你可真棒!

He was bullied by the older boys at school.


The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.



名词复数: bullies | 动词过去式: bullied | 动词过去分词: bullied | 动词现在分词: bullying | 动词第三人称单数: bullies |



名词复数: bullies | 动词过去式: bullied | 动词过去分词: bullied | 动词现在分词: bullying | 动词第三人称单数: bullies |



名词 bully:

a cruel and brutal fellow

同义词:bully, tough, hooligan, ruffian, roughneck, rowdy, yob, yobo, yobbo

动词 bully:

be bossy towards

同义词:strong-arm, bully, browbeat, bullyrag, ballyrag, boss around, hector, push around

discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate

同义词:browbeat, bully, swagger


1. Jess and Leslie, a boy and a girl who are victims of school bullies, become friends and start venturing across a creek to a little forest Leslie dubs Terabithia.


2. As he was dying of cancer in 2000, Schulz, aged 77, was still talking about getting even with the bullies of his youth.


3. Although 58 percent of bullies are women they make up 80 percent of targets.


4. "We are told at school to report bullies to the teacher. If you like, I will tell my teacher about you. She is kind, her name is Miss McKay.


5. “He was like a schoolyard bully,” the manager recalls, “and I've known since childhood that, when confronted, most bullies back down.


6. “We are told at school to report bullies to the teacher. If you like, I will tell my teacher about you. She is kind, her name is Miss McKay.”


7. And a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend.


8. A friend who bullies us is no longer a friend.


9. The Zogby survey showed that 40 percent of workplace bullies are women.


10. Since the episode with the USGA I’ve since been confronted by other corporate bullies whose actions threatened to damage me in one way or another.


11. refusing to truckle to bullies


12. However, bullies are extremely vindictive and will do everything in their power to destroy anyone who can see through their mask of deceit.


13. The One With the Two Bullies


14. The Chinese is not good bullies.


15. China has never truckled to bullies.


16. The people in the village court don't dare to offend the bullies and press Huaren to compromise.


17. People have this idea that I'm some kind of bully, but the truth is that I hate bullies.


18. They may turn out to be chronic air-kissers,unbearable drama queens,or bullies who bite your head off whenever things don't go their way.


19. They crowded around me, telling me that I had fought with two bullies.


20. They were clearly awared of the fact that each metre of the land belongs to their beloved fatherland and it brooks no bullies nor insult by any invaders.


21. At his command, rascals, loafers and village bullies rushed to form various peasant associations.In this way the landlords hoped to control the farmers and avoid a settlement.


22. He bullies his children.I gave a box on his ears


23. He often bullies you. I really take up the cudgel for you.


24. He is “the clever little guy who outsmarts big bullies”.


25. He's a wimp. Everybody in his workplace bullies him


26. He sometimes bullies his sister behind his mother's back.


27. But we begin to see that beneath that smug, arrogant veneer lies a fragile, vulnerable person, which I think is so often true of bullies.


28. Fortunately for him, these were not infuriated girls, but a dozen or so of Pockmarked Li's bullies fleeing before a veritable deluge of women close on their heels.

但这一伙却不是狂怒的女工,而是李麻子手下的人。 女工的潮水紧跟着这一伙人卷上来。

29. You also might want to help her learn how to be assertive with bullies without being aggressive.


30. Bullies usually won't bother you if you bow your back and stand your ground.


31. Your hired bullies did a good job on poor Joe last.


32. The true consolation for the bullied is to remember that when bullies fall, they fall hard.


33. Informational bullies get their way with cascades of "facts", which may or may not be true but which reduce everyone else to silence.


34. It's a crime the way he bullies his children.


35. Like all bullies,he backed water before our brave resistance.


36. Like all bullies, he backed water before our brave resistance.


37. Prof Kramer agreed there was something to this, although, thinking back, I should have conceded that this would only work with the physical bullies and the emotional intimidators.


38. Prof Kramer advised caution when dealing with bullies.


39. Speaking to a gathering of Stanford alumni in London recently, Prof Kramer pointed to a galling fact: bullies get ahead, as evidenced by many of the political and business high-achievers he had placed in his hall of fame.


40. The central accusation is that many French writers are bullies who use garbled scientific knowledge to intimidate, rather than enlighten the reader.


41. Preliminary results from the research show so-called computer geeks are becoming the new schoolyard bullies.


42. Despite the facade that such people put up, bullies have low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and thus feel insecure.


43. It was brave of her to stood up to those bullies.


44. And, if it is right, this study also confirms a lesson learned by generations of bar-room tough guys and schoolyard bullies: if you want attention, get angry.


45. ." Bullies are a problem in school, and Max Sellars is the worst one yet.


46. Bullies: Hey, give an explaination.


47. The bullies picked on him because he was yellow.


48. In the video clip above, we see Ferran Adria, the owner of El Bulli (ranked the best restaurant in the world in 2008), making an “artificial” olive by using olive juice and alginate.


49. We are told at school to report bullies to the teacher. If you like, I will tell my teacher about you. She is kind, her name is Miss McKay.


50. Playground bullies regard themselves as superior to other children; low self-esteem is found among the victims of bullies but not among bullies themselves.


51. In the climate of fear couraged by the bully, strong feelings of shame, embarassment and guilt are propagated. This is how bullies (and most abusers) silence their victims.


52. he enslaves you on imperial principles;he bullies you on manly principles;


53. Chu Yuxun (Zheng Shuang) is still excited about her battle against campus bullies and her hair's still wet and messy, when her piano teacher suddenly shows up and recommends a new shampoo brand.


54. Fired to scare the thug,if he didnot pay enough for transacting and taken the risk of being fired by the local bullies;


55. Most Leos are bullies.


56. When they reached the narrow street running alongside the slum, the girls caught up with the bullies and another roughand-tumble broke out.


57. shouted the girls, as they burst through the cordon of policemen and bullies and made straight for the car.


58. The girls were trying not to be involved in a full-blooded fight with the bullies, and the latter were holding their fire until they received the order to lash out in earnest.

女工们竭力忍耐,避免和这些人打架; 而这些人呢,也没接到命令真真出手打。

59. She can bully you but you cannot bully her, because although she bullies you, she thinks about you first each time when good things happen.


60. It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies

她挺身反抗那些恃强欺弱的人, 真勇敢.

61. It was brave of her to standupto those bullies.


62. It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.


63. She bullies and makes a fool of her step-sister, then cheats her way to a leading position in the county, and even marries her step-sister’s lover by fraud, a carefully and viciously designed plot.


64. Her crew was starting to reassemble, now that the bullies had passed.


65. Bullies: If you involve the school into this matter, and if we got trouble you are in trouble too, issit?


66. Perfectionist intimidators. These bullies set impossibly high standards and unrealistically short deadlines. They also give underlings more work than they can reasonably handle.


67. Pay attention to students who are isolated from their peers.Isolated students are the most likely targets for bullies.


68. Bullies: Soft? (Hit his head) Not bad to be soft?


69. Primary school smokes to drink wine; Middle school bullies classmate, even as dozen teachers.


70. Eustace and Jill escape from the bullies at school through a strange door in the wall, which, for once, is unlocked.


71. It was like the way bullies would take control of younger kids in the schoolyard.


72. With Pockmarked Li and his bullies in tow, Tu Wei-yueh now entered the slum. His lips were set in his usual sardonic smile, but his face was pale and he could feel countless hostile eyes watching him from all sides.

屠维岳依然冷冷地微笑,和李麻子他们走进了那草棚区域。 可是他的脸色更加苍白。 他觉得四面八方有千百条毒眼光射到他身上。

73. Brownie birdie was a bully. Brownie's bossy brother Billy brownie and Billy stayed busy by bullying their buddies. Both Birdie brothers were big, bad bullies.


74. And I can discover no political evil in suffering bullies, sharpers, and rakes, to rid the world of each other by a method of their own;where the law hath not been able to find an expedient.


75. Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.


76. Even a dragon(from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt- Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.


77. Was there not only one way to deal with bullies - to raise your voice when they raised theirs?


78. When young Arab League Gan Huanshu shinguard time, the destiny heavy imprisons him the fetter, the contemporaries always bullies he, although his not any mistake.


79. Bullying results in fear, for fear is the means by which all abusers, including bullies, disempower and control their victims.


80. Bullies and official collusion between the capture of Guan Yu and Guan Yu tozhu mie Aboriginal families, eradicated.
