



adj.拜占庭的, 拜占庭式建筑风格的,错综复杂的, 暗中的n.拜占庭人


A Byzantine emperor or prince.


The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire.


Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.


The capital and largest city of Libya, in the northwest part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Settled by Phoenicians from Tyre, it has Roman and Byzantine remains. Population, 858,500.

的黎波里利比亚的首都和第一大城市,位于利比亚的西北部,临地中海,最早是提尔的腓尼基人建立,该市保留有罗马的拜占庭式的古迹。人口858, 500


拜占庭帝国的; 拜占庭式的


名词 byzantine:

a native or inhabitant of Byzantium or of the Byzantine Empire

形容词 byzantine:

of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it

of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or the ancient city of Byzantium

highly complex or intricate

同义词:convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous

characterized by elaborate scheming and intrigue; devious


1. Established in Cilicia by the Armenian Rubenid dynasty in the 12th century, after initial struggles with the Byzantine empire, it developed contacts with the West.


2. In 1988, Mullender brought forward Byzantine quorum system with the voting protocol.

1988年Mullender提出了Byzantine Quorum系统主要研究选举协议;

3. Sent by the Byzantine emperor Zeno to invade Italy in 488, he made himself sole ruler by 493 and murdered Odoacer by treachery.


4. Bulgaria is founded as a Khanate on the south bank of the Danube, after defeating the Byzantine armies of Emperor Constantine IV south of the Danube delta.


5. "Justinian Plague" recorded by Procupius, the Byzantine famous writer during the 6th century, has been identified with bubonic plague recent years.


6. May 1453, Turkey in the Sudan Mai Hamu II with the help of heavy artillery, took a weak defense of Constantinople, the city's fall also represents the demise of the Byzantine Empire.


7. Ms Herrin also shows that there was a fluid and perpetually evolving relationship between the competing influences of classical Greek learning, Greek Christianity and popular Byzantine culture.


8. An Arab emir (Mousour) carries off the daughter (Eirene) of a Byzantine general named Doukas.


9. A bill to simplify the Byzantine tax structure.


10. Not long after, the best part of the Byzantine Empire that vast empire that once had run from Spain to Syria was ruled by Arab Kurds.


11. To back up an armistice signed with the Byzantine Empire in 1046, his father married him to a daughter of Emperor Constantine IX.


12. It is the Byzantine Christian architectures which led the western ancient architectures,for they had some spirit center spaces in their architectures.


13. It is the Byzantine Christian architectures which led the western ancient architectures, for they had same spirit center spaces in their architectures.


14. Others again see it as a catalyst for the European Renaissance, especially after Hellenic talent was freed from Byzantine dogmatism.


15. Founded c. 660 b.c. as Byzantium, it was renamed Constantinople in a.d. 330 by Constantine the Great, who made it the capital of the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire.


16. There is reason to regret that a cleavage between East and West began to appear in the Middle Ages through the sibling rivalry of the Byzantine and Catholic Empires and Churches.


17. Constructed over a long period, from the 4th to the 15th century, they constitute a diachronic typological series, which had considerable influence in the Byzantine world.


18. In the period from the death of Nicephoros I (811) to the rise of Basil the Macedonian (867) the Byzantine state again made Iconoclasm the basis of imperial policy.


19. The Games were held every four years from 776 BC to 393 AD,and never stoped untill they were abolished by the Christian Byzantine Emperodr Theodosius 1.


20. It gives us a taste of life in the Byzantine years, from the fortresses of Mystras and Monemvasia in Southern Greece, to the famed monasteries and churches of Mount Athos in the North.


21. Viewed from treaty of postwar, Byzantine and Rus is equal.


22. From the Byzantine period there has been recovered a fine fragment of the altar rails which enclosed the sanctuary (presbyterium), together with several funerary inscriptions.


23. The Byzantine Empire in theory represented the whole Christian world.


24. He did his homework and mastered the details of policy, but he delegated vast powers to Bob Haldeman and John Ehrlichman in an atmosphere of Byzantine secrecy and intrigue.

他事先充分准备,阅读文件,掌握政策细节,把巨大的权力委之于鲍勃 - 霍尔德曼和约翰 - 埃利希曼两人。 那一片阴谋诡秘的气氛颇有点古拜占庭宫廷式的味道。

25. They are built on the Byzantine pattern, in small scale, and have painted fresco decoration.


26. They’ve already uncovered the timbers of thousand-year-old jetties and docks, and thirty-four Byzantine ships, each over a thousand years old.


27. They provided the ruling culture of the Roman and Byzantine worlds, the ground out of which Christianity grew and from which Islam drew much of its sustenance.

他们还为罗马帝国和拜占庭 (即东罗马帝国)提供了统治文化,为基督教的生长提供了土壤,为伊斯兰教的发展提供了养料。

28. He shackled private enterprise with Byzantine controls and denied autonomy to the public sector.


29. He was surrounded by the folk music of the Romanian countryside and the liturgy of the Byzantine Orthodox Church.


30. An ancient country of Transcaucasia roughly equivalent to the eastern part of present-day Georgia. Iberia was allied to Rome and later ruled by a Persian dynasty. It became a Byzantine province in the sixth century a.d.


31. Psevdo?Dionysius was not only a renowned scholar of aesthetics of the Byzantine Empire but also of the whole Europe in the Middle Ages.


32. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of malicious (Byzantine) fault components can not satisfy FDA in this situation because of the arbitrariness of its behavior.


33. Russian Orthodox Church inherits and develops this Byzantine heritage and makes it the most special part of Russian culture.


34. Bright sparks like Mr Bookstaber ushered in a revolution that fuelled the boom in financial derivatives and Byzantine "structured products".


35. an organization of Byzantine complexity


36. As in the case of the Byzantine building, the Medieval church ended to the east with three circular apses. The outside wall of the central-apse was, however, polygonal.


37. One of the best known are the Billings to establish Syracuse, Sparta build the tower together with (see the Greece), to establish the Byzantine Maijiala, Miletus were established, such as Olbia.


38. Second, Mr Obama's scattershot tax increases are a poor substitute for the wholesale reform America's Byzantine tax code needs.


39. Distributed consensus is another form of Byzantine agreement and Byzantine agreement is one of the most important problems in distributed computing.


40. By the mid-16th century, Osman's descendants had killed off the Byzantine Empire and turned its capital, Constantinople (renamed Istanbul), into the world's greatest mosque city.


41. After being baptized, Rus began into Byzantine Commonwealth, way of association is not trade and warfare but culture and religion.


42. The old restraints were formidable: family, caste, religious fatalism, Byzantine bureaucracy.


43. On the other hand, Byzantine music is parallel to the western music.


44. At the same time, because Byzantiumvalues the education, Byzantine literati play a important role in the society.


45. Meanwhile, the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius had successfully outflanked the Persian armies in Asia Minor and handed them a crushing defeat in Northern Mesopotamia.


46. Similarly the Arab chieftains on their silken Byzantine divans could not forget the desert, and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need.


47. Similarly the Arab chieftains on their silken Byzantine divans could not forget the desert , and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need .


48. Similarly the Arab chieftains on their silken Byzantine divans could not forget the desert ,and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need.


49. Similarly the Arab chieftains on their silken Byzantine divans could not forget the desert, and hoarded riches far beyond any possible physical need .


50. A Byzantine emperor or prince.


51. Despite boasting the world's trade capital and home of Orthodox Christianity in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire is well past its zenith and is now in steady decline.


52. Like Vladimir, Yaroslav was eager to improve relations with the rest of Europe, especially the Byzantine Empire.


53. The Fire Ship is a Byzantine Dromon modified to carry a medieval version of the flame thrower used to spew out Greek Fire at unfortunate foes.


54. The story goes that we (HBS) have studied it and have given this rather Byzantine method of distributing goods and services our blessing... and even teach a course on it.


55. International Association for Byzantine Studies


56. The Dome is in the shape of a Byzantine martyrium, a structure intended for the housing and veneration of saintly relics, and is an excellent example of middle Byzantine art.


57. Turkish archaeologists announce today that they have discovered an ancient Byzantine port in an area that was planned to be an underground station.


58. In the 9th century, nominally under Byzantine suzerainty, the Serbs converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity.


59. In the Byzantine period Orthodox Jews kept living in Capharnaum alongside Christians who in the meantime increased considerably.


60. Periodic renaissances of Byzantine art occurred that created close imitation of past models.


61. As Despot of the Morea, Constantine had been one of the few Byzantine generals to meet some success against the Turks.


62. The Master of Offices and his organization is the important arm for Byzantine despotism in the early Byzantine period.


63. The Byzantine Empire was a centralized state in a medieval world of fragmented and localized power.


64. In the second chapter, the author analyzes according to the ideology what Byzantine people expected to the roles of the empress dowager , queen and Princess.


65. In the conclusion part,the author sums up the features of Byzantine social in that time,and points out their warning results on today society.


66. In the conclusionpart,the author introduces briefly the social situation at that time and generalizes Byzantine women's overall status in the society.


67. In Yenikapi, a neighborhood of textile factories and hotels, diggers discovered the lost Byzantine port of the Emperor Theodosius.


68. A city of eastern Turkey east of Ankara.It was known in the fifth century a.d.as an important Byzantine frontier post.Population, 190, 241.


69. A city of eastern Turkey east of Ankara. It was known in the fifth century a.d. as an important Byzantine frontier post. Population,190, 241.


70. Erzerum is a city of eastern Turkey east of Ankara. It was known in the fifth century a.d. as an important Byzantine frontier post with a population of 190,241.


71. The palaces, cathedrals, and government Buildings within the walls encompass a variety of styles, including byzantine, Russian Baroque, and Classical.


72. A geographical work compiled by the cartographer, Ptolemy of Alexandria in about 165 AD and subsequently translated and revised by a Byzantine scholar, located several ports in South-East Asia.


73. Cimabue:Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.


74. Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.


75. The Byzantine Empire was then conquered by the Ottoman Empire.


76. It has been an independent state for centuries at a time, but it has also been part of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires.


77. If DMOZ linked to a history of Nakashima's works, to the free project dorectory of Fine Woodworking Magazine's online site, or to a page on byzantine throne characteristics.

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78. Used as a title for various administrative officials of the late Roman and Byzantine empires.


79. The sacking of the great Byzantine city of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) had positive effects for the Venetians.


80. Glenn Bugh is associate professor of ancient and Byzantine history at Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.
