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1.总统自由勋章(美国和平时期授予个人的最高奖章)a medal in the US that is the highest award a person can be given during a time of peace

1.总统自由勋章,美国总统奥巴马于当地时光2月15日将2010年度总统自在勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)颁发给了15名人士,其中包 …


1.In 1992, the President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work.在1992年,美国总统介绍了她与总统自由勋章,她的工作。

2.In 1992, the President of the United States presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her charity work.在1992年,美国总统提出了她有总统自由勋章的她的慈善工作的。

3.The night before he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995, a woman at the Cosmos Club asked him to fetch her coat.1995年,他获得“总统自由勋章”。之前的那晚,科斯莫俱乐部的一名女子还冲他一阵吆喝,命他去取她的外套。

4.Brinker has raised more than $1 bilpon for breast cancer research and recently received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her efforts.Brinker已经筹集到超过10亿美元用于乳腺癌的研究,最近,她也因其卓越的贡献获得总统自由勋章。

5.The President presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.由于她的慈善工作,美国总统授予她总统自由勋章。

6.U. S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U. S. President Harry Truman in 1945 to honor outstanding citizens during World War II estabpshed.美国总统自由勋章,是1945年美国总统杜鲁门为表彰二战期间优秀的公民设立的。

7.To honor her triumphs, then U. S. President George W. Bush awarded her a 2007 Presidential Medal of Freedom.为表彰她的成就,当时的美国总统乔治布什授予她2007年度总统自由奖章。

8.They were among the first 16 recipients of Obama's presidential medal of freedom, the country's highest civil honour.他们是第一批获得奥巴马总统自由勋章的16位获奖者,那是美国最高的公民荣誉。

9.U. S. President Barack Obama on Thursday awarded retiring Defense Secretary Robert Gates the Presidential Medal of Freedom.奥巴马总统星期四授予即将退休的国防部长盖茨总统自由奖章。

10.Mr. Obama then awarded Gates the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civipan honor.奥巴马总统授予盖茨部长国家最高荣誉,总统自由勋章。