




1.漂亮男孩 国家:美国 US American 别名:漂亮男孩 Pretty Boy 家乡:拉斯维加斯 Las Vegas,NV,USA ...

2.窈窕美眉 ... dance to the death 纯音乐 Pretty Boy 窈窕美眉 Compass(《 沙漠王女与海贼们》主题歌) 川岛爱 ...

3.优质男孩 Nelly Furtado 妮莉费塔朵 Pretty boy 优质男孩 — Pretty woman 美丽女子 ...

4.可爱男孩 When You Bepeve 当你相信时 pretty boy 可爱男孩 Behind These Hazel Eyes 这淡褐色的眼神 …

5.漂亮的男孩 4 mirror mirror 镜子镜 5 pretty boy 漂亮的男孩 6 give a pttle love 给一点爱 ...

6.美美少男 11 Pretty Boy( 美美少男) 10 One love( 唯一的爱) ...

7.英俊的男人 ... 我的心还会继续 my heart will go on 英俊的男人 pretty boy 上帝不带把 God is a girl ...


1.I was a pretty boy. Particularly in my early movies. I don't pke looking at them so much. There's a sort of pretty thing about me.我原来也是个帅小伙,尤其是在我早期的作品中,但是我并不太喜欢回忆他们,我现在有另外一种美好的特质。

2.In Taiwan, male artists nicknamed with "xiao" seems to associate with "Floral Pretty Boy" .在台湾“小”字辈的男明星几乎都和“花样美男”有关。

3.Do not need warm, do not torture, do not need consolation, I just wanna u give me a smile, my pretty boy.【急】翻译不需要温暖,不需要折磨,不需要慰藉,我只要你微笑,我的男孩。

4.It's also worth noting that few heroes have had as consistent and enthusiastic female followings as "pretty boy" Dick.同样值得提出的是,不多的英雄拥有这样像“美男子迪克”一样热情有默契的异性随从。

5."Okay, pretty boy, I'll teach you a lesson. " said an archer as he aimed at the ape.“好家伙,我来教训教训你。”一个射手瞄准猿猴说。

6."Floral Pretty Boy" must be tall, handsome with a comic look.“花样美男”要高,要帅,还要有漫画般的外形。

7.pretty boy! and so lucky to be a model with that kind of branded products im sure a lot of us envied him.标致的男孩。他真幸运能够成为这类品牌的代言人。我信赖咱们中的许多人都在嫉妒他。

8.Fun fact: New England Patriots pretty boy Tom Brady attended the game with his supermodel girlfriend Giselle Bunderherfwhatever.花絮:新英格兰爱国者队的帅哥汤姆·布拉蒂和他的超模女友吉塞尔·邦得赫什么的一起观看了比赛。

9.You, pretty boy! Why don't you and your friends dig a latrine.你,帅哥,你和你的朋友去挖个厕所先。

10.Actually they are pretty boy and beautiful girl , if they love each other will be very nice couple .其实他们很男孩和美丽的姑娘,如果他们彼此相爱是非常可爱的夫妇。