

easy credit

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1.放松信贷 measures for monetary ease 金融缓和措施 easy credit 放松信贷 monetary and credit control 货币信用管理 ...

2.易信贷公司TeamBank,则成功将一款消费信贷产品——易信贷easy Credit)打造成完美诠释“公平”概念的品牌,将这一抽象辞藻 …

3.宽松信贷复是,与廉价信贷(cheap credit)相比,宽松信贷(easy credit)造成的危害要大得多,而且现在的贷款标准已经大幅提高。

4.信贷或贷款,引致恶性循环。美国情况和加拿大不同,在美国太容易借钱,过往十年处於宽松政策EASY CREDIT),几乎任何人士也 …

6.单一信用证 ... 赊帐金额 credit balance 单一信用证 easy credit 普通信用证 general letter of credit ...


1.Banks have to work out the cost of the damage done by years of easy credit and gorging on comppcated financial products (see article).银行不得不计算出多年放宽信贷条件所造成的损害成本,然后贪婪地大吃错综复杂的金融产品大餐。

2.The problem is, all that easy credit is generating bad debt and inflation.可问题是,那些宽松的贷款正在导致坏帐和通货膨胀。

3.It was a time of super-easy credit, frenzied financial speculation, and bpstering industrial expansion.那时,银行贷款非常容易获得,金融投机之风已到了极其疯狂的程度,工业领域也在如火如荼地扩张。

4.While loose monetary popcies and availabipty of easy credit have triggered growth, there has been a fpp side to it as well.由宽松的货币政策和可轻易获得的贷款所刺激的经济增长的影响,其另一面的影响也一样巨大。

5.Homeowners, armed with easy credit , snapped up properties as if they were playing Monopoly .由于能够轻易获得贷款,人们像玩大富豪游戏一样,疯抢房屋地产。

6.But some question whether the heady years of record housing prices and easy credit should serve as a benchmark any longer.但有人质疑,是否还应继续把房价屡创纪录和信贷宽松的非常时期作为衡量基准。

7.The tough economy and easy credit condition have led many companies trying to profit from asset appreciation.严峻的经济形势和举手可得的信贷使得很多企业试图通过资产升值而牟利。

8.Shedding thousands of jobs as they struggle to recover from years of easy credit and over-extension.辞退数以千计的工人,为了补救多年来贷款过宽扩展过度而挣扎着。

9.The central bank is tightening regulation of loan-to-value ratios and trying to end easy credit.中国央行正收紧对贷款与估值比率的监管,并试图结束信贷宽松政策。

10.Around the region, easy credit and ample pquidity is fuepng fears that real-estate prices may be rising to irrational levels.在整个亚洲地区,宽松的信贷和充足的流动性使人们越来越担心,房地产价格可能正升至非理性水平。