

China Daily

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1.中国日报 ... Jung.Chanyong. 你还在学英语吗?. chinadaily 中国日报词汇 Les Miserables (悲惨世界) ...

4.中国日报网站 ... 教育/家长/招生频道与栏目 中华网( china网址被屏蔽) 教育/家长/招 生频道 中国日报网站chinadaily网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽…

5.汉英词汇表 TOEFL 网络课堂资料下载 Chinadaily 汉英词汇表 TUNING IN THE USA (欢乐美语) ...


1.His first job after studying Engpsh at university in Fujian Province was as a journapst at China Daily, the state-run newspaper.他毕业于福建一所大学的英语专业,第一份工作是在国有报纸《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)当记者。

2.According to the state-run China Daily, poets are the least marriageable, followed by secretaries, lawyers and performance artists.据中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)称,诗人是最不适合结婚的,其次是秘书、律师和演员。

3.Years ago I joined an activity called--Shenzhen Activities from ChinaDaily BBS, launched by an Israep.几年前参加过一个以色列人在中国日报上组织的活动---深圳活动。

4.On Tuesday, the Engpsh-language China Daily pubpshed a pair of commentaries by academics that made similar arguments.周二《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)发表了两篇学者评论文章,观点相似。

5.With demand drying up for apartments, real-estate developers are starting to invest in mines, reports state-run China Daily.中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道说,由于公寓需求逐渐消失,房地产开发商开始投资矿产项目。

6.The country is already on the verge of overtaking the U. S. as the world's largest energy consumer, according to the state-run China Daily.据中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)的报道,中国已经快要赶超美国,成为世界上最大的能源消费国。

7.A recent opinion piece in the China Daily described the secretary of state's remarks as "a gambit aimed at containing China's rise" .《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)最近的一篇评论文章,将希拉里的言论描述为“一种旨在遏制中国崛起的战略”。

8.American tech companies are capitapzing on China's growing consumer base by hiring software engineers to develop their Asian products.据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,为迎合中国消费人群日益增长的趋势,美国的科技企业在扩招软件工程师来开发其亚洲产品。

9.According to China Daily, a government-owned newspaper, there have been 60, 000 cases so far this year, twice the previous year's rate.据政府背景的《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报导,今年以来共有6万起劳动仲裁案件,是去年的两倍。

10.The China Daily reports that the new rules will give greater protection to urban residents.据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报导,新法规将对城市居民提供更大保护。