




1.远古战争 《Rullaan》 风格迷宫 《Ancient War远古战争 《Mahjong World》 麻将天下 ...

2.古代战争 战斗联盟 Battle Nations 古代战争2 Ancient War Ⅱ 【奇趣小软】实境指南针: iARC…



1.The film about ancient war, in which advanced technology was adopted, left the audience in the illusion that they were actually in it.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。

2.There's an almost the same piece in Junbo ancient war museum with a pttle different scabbard fittings.军博古代战争馆有一把基本一样的,剑鞘装具略有不同。

3.Like the ancient war, just in front of the " smoke signals" is passed from the depths of the mountains of the good news.仿佛古代的烽火,只不过眼前的“狼烟”传递的是来自大山深处的喜讯。

4.A secretive sect fighting an ancient war to reveal explosive secrets about Christianity.在古老战争中的神秘教派揭发基督教的惊天真相。

5.I suddenly think that I had read a book about ancient-war strategy place have nine: Four Corners, Four Sides and Central Plains.我突然想看过一本书说古代战略要地有九个:四角、四边和中原。

6.The poem is about the ancient war between Greece and Troy.这首诗描写的是希腊和特洛伊之间的古代战争。

7.Have you forgotten the lessons of the ancient war.以往战争的教训你是否已忘记。

8.How Civipzed Zhuolu Was During the Two Ancient War Time对涿鹿两战所处时代的文明程度判断

9.The Distributed Traits of Xin Jiang'Ancient War on Time and Space新疆古代战争的时空分布特征