



美式发音: [spaɪ] 英式发音: [spaɪ]




复数:spies  过去式:spied  现在分词:spying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.convict spy


v.snoop,nose around,watch,eavesdrop,spot

n.secret agent,double agent,mole,infiltrator,plant




n.1.someone whose job is to find out secret information about a country or an organization; involving spies or their activities

v.1.to work as a spy2.to notice someone or something

1.发现 a goodly piece of 相当大一块 spied 侦察出,发现 dainty morsel 好吃的东西 ...

2.侦察出 a goodly piece of 相当大一块 spied 侦察出,发现 dainty morsel 好吃的东西 ...

3.间谍 spied n. 特工人员, 间谍, 侦探, 探员, 秘密侦察他人行动者v.侦察, 侦察, 发现 pillar n. [建] 柱子, 栋梁, 重要的支持者 ...

4.侦探 spied n. 特工人员, 间谍, 侦探, 探员, 秘密侦察他人行动者v.侦察, 侦察, 发现 pillar n. [建] 柱子, 栋梁, 重要的支持者 ...

5.特工人员 ... 音效人员 crawk 特工人员 spied 宣传人员 hyper ...


1.Love then spied Sadness who was coming close behind Envy, so Love asked for help, "Sadness, let me go with you. "“爱”察觉“难过”就在附近,就对“难过”说:“求求你带我走吧!”

2.Tambun, 60, said he was crouching to shoot a squirrel with his blowpipe when he spied the big cat eyeing him for dinner.60岁的谭布称,当时他正蹲著准备用吹箭筒射击一只松鼠,不料被一只老虎盯上,差点成了它的晚餐。

3.My heart sank when I spied the envelope in his cubby at school, but I'd been expecting this sort of trouble.在学校他的小房间里看到邀请信封的时候我的心就沉了一下,虽然我早就在等这样的麻烦了。

4.As I came Up the road, I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles.我从街上回来,发现你跪在地上玩石子,你的袜子磨出了洞。

5.Whenever he spied children, he would come running meowing frantically and bump his head against their hands, begging for their love.只要一瞅见孩子,他会跑上前痴迷地喵呜着,用头推搡孩子的手,乞求他们的爱。

6.Then they spied the Duke's feet sticking out from under a door, and beheaded him on the spot. Finally, they set up Wuzhi as ruler of Qi.他们发现了齐候得脚露在门下面,就把他杀了,另立公孙无知为国君。

7."The royal family is so spied upon, so scrutinized by the media that the pfe of these children becomes quite unbearable, " Amis said.阿米斯说:“王室成员完全处于媒体的窥探、监视之下,王室成员子女对这样的生活简直难以忍受。”

8.A secondary scandal, in which senior PP members from Madrid have been spied on, points to almost paranoid mistrust within the party.另一则丑闻——马德里高级人民党成员受到监视——虽然略显次要,却反映了党内疑虑重重,信心崩溃。

9.Out of curiosity, he spied on his classmate to see where he was going after class.出于好奇,他跟踪他的同学,看他下课之后去哪儿。

10.Unfortunately, they were being spied on by the forces of the US Attorney, Inland Revenue Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation.不幸的是,他们受到了美国司法部(USAttorney)、美国国税局(InlandRevenueService)和美国联邦调查局(FBI)的监视。