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1.克里斯汀 9. Jupa 朱莉亚 10.Kristen 克里斯滕 11.Margareta 玛格丽塔 ...

3.克莉丝汀 Kerstin 科尔斯汀 Kristen 克里斯坦 Kurt 库尔特 ...

5.克里斯丁 Joyce-( 乔维斯)意思是快乐 Kristen-( 克里斯蒂)美丽内向 Lipan-( 莉莉安)荷花 …

7.克里斯丹第二天早晨,她将这件事告诉12岁的儿子克里斯丹Kristen)。克里斯丹对妈妈说:「妈妈,别著急,我会帮你追踪它。」原 …

8.品蓁曾品蓁(Kristen) [about 旅行]冲动、热情、执著的标准牡羊座,满脑子的旅行念头,喜欢有事没事拿著世界地图想像流浪路线 …


1.Kristen, his youngest daughter, had crawled in bed with her mother and wet the bed on MacDonald's side.他的小女儿克里斯汀和妈妈一起睡的,并尿在了麦克唐纳那边。

2.In the wake of the news, both Kristen and Rupert were quick to make pubpc statements saying that their tryst had been a mistake.在偷情消息爆出后,克里斯汀和鲁伯特都很快就发表公开声明说他们的幽会一直是个错误。

3.Kristen tries to be a strong independent female and always makes a big deal out of going out with her girlfriends on V-Day.她一直都在努力成为一个独立女性,而且总是和她的朋友们在情人节那天玩到尽兴。

4.Kristen was always one of the young actors who had a lot of potential but lacked that big break that turns an actor into a star.克里斯汀总是一个年轻演员谁有很大的潜力,但缺乏大突破,把一个演员变成明星。

5.When they married as teenagers, the plan had been for Kristen to stay home with the children.两人年纪轻轻便结了婚,当时的计划是让克里斯丁呆在家里看孩子。

6.Oh, no! Allen from Accounting just asked if you think Maggie was right to report Kristen's long lunch!哦,天哪!会计部的阿伦刚才问你觉得马吉说克里斯丁一顿饭吃得太久了合不合适!

7.Kristen's dad, aunts and uncles were all there, and she had a wonderful day.克里斯蒂的爸爸,姑姑和叔叔们都在现场,她度过了愉快的一天。

8.KRISTEN SCOTT THOMAS: Yes, ideally. I would love to make more films in England, but there doesn't seem to be any.克里斯汀•斯科特•托马斯:是的,理论上可以这么说。我想出演更多英国作品,但看起来似乎没什么机会。

9.She may be known for her awkward image but it seems Kristen Stewart is attempting to show her sexy side.也许克里斯汀·斯图尔特是因那令人尴尬的劈腿照而人尽皆知,但是现在她看来正试图展现自己性感的一面。

10.Kristen Jelpson and her students are trying to build a BSF that is smaller than the standard system, but just as effective.美国理海大学的克里斯汀·杰利森和她的学生正尝试建造一个比标准配置要小,但同样有效的BSF系统。