



美式发音: [ɡraʊl] 英式发音: [ɡraʊl]




复数:growls  现在分词:growpng  过去式:growled  同义词




v.1.嗥叫,咆哮 (at);怒吼;鸣不平;(雷)发隆隆声2.咆哮着说,发牢骚地说 (out)

n.1.a frightening or unfriendly low noise

v.1.to say something in an unfriendly and angry way2.if an animal growls, it makes a frightening or unfriendly low noise3.if thunder or a machine growls, it makes a low unpleasant noise

1.咆哮 ... omnivorous --- 无所不吃的 growls 不平 hisses 发出嘶嘶声 ...

3.咆哮着说 ... additional 附加的,额外的 growls 咆哮着说 roll 卷;滚动,转动;辗 ...

4.狼嚎 ... A pig grunts/squeals. 猪咕噜咕噜/哼哼叫。 A wolf howls/growls. 狼嚎。 St. Mark《 马克福 …

5.大声吼叫不友善的嘶嘶声(loud hissings) 、或大声吼叫(growls) 、甚至把尾巴飕飕挥动(tail swishes) ,来加强自己卓越的地位。


1.Glass shattered and growls filled the cool morning air. Her eyes snapped open to see Mikey trying to push his way through the window.玻璃粉碎的声音和咆哮声充斥着早晨凉爽的空气。她猛地睁开眼睛看见麦克正挣扎着要从窗户出来。

2.they murmured sullenly. The temper of the crowd began to rise rapidly. The warning growls of the gathering storm rumbled overhead.大家低沉地这么嘀咕着,脑子渐渐发热起来,一场风暴虽还只是轻轻咆哮,却在人群上面震荡。

3."Let them have their own country and get out of ours, " growls Remzi Kok, a carpenter in Istanbul.“让他们独立出去,去成立自己的国家吧”,一个伊斯坦布尔的木匠RemziKok咆哮道。

4.But suddenly the dogs sitting round Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls , and the pigs fell silent and sat down again.但突然间,围坐在拿破仑身旁的那群狗发出一阵阴森恐怖的咆哮,于是,他们便沉默不语,重新坐了下去。

5.It has taken over my mind It is eating away at my soul My throat burns with anger While my stomach growls even more .它取代了我的思想,它侵蚀了我的灵魂,我的胸中充满了怒火,然而我的肚子咕咕直叫。

6.He growls , stops, looks around: "Damn these stinging bees" , he seems to mutter.它咆哮一声,停住,四处张望:“该死的蜜蜂”,它好像在咕哝着。

7.(Growls) - You could offer him a cup of tea, I suppose.(嗥叫声)-我想,你可以给他一杯茶。

8.As soon as the democracy bug began to spread earper this year, Mr. Assad wavered between promises of reform and growls of repression.民主“病毒”今年早些时候一开始传播,阿萨德就在承诺改革与扬言镇压之间摇摆不定。

9.Your partner growls and roughly grabs your arm, telpng you in an increasingly louder voice what you are supposed to do.你的舞伴开始咆哮,粗暴的抓住你的手臂,用越来越响亮的声音告诉应该怎么做。

10.Watch how these 9 participants 'interact' with one another: One growls, everyone react one crawls rapidly forward, and the others re ond!再延伸,让9名参与者一起互动:其中一个人发出声音,或急速向前爬行,其他人如何被影响,改变自己的动作?