




1.斯图姆义傅氏展开 3)极值原理与边值问题解的唯一性 4)斯特姆(Sturm)振荡理论 1.6周期系数的二阶线性方程 习题 2微分方程模型 …

3.突击法7.4 求实对称方阵特征值的对分法7.4.1 实对称三对角矩阵的施图姆(Sturm)序列7.4.2 求实对称三对角阵的特征值的对分法7.…

5.风暴 风,空气 Wind 风暴 Sturm 风窗除霜器,防冻器,防冻液 Defroster m ...

6.格拉茨风暴 曼联 Man. United 格拉茨风暴 Sturm 帕纳辛纳克斯 Panathinaikos ...

7.史登姆 ... 豪克 Hawke: 史登姆 Sturm: 勒欧 Nell ...


1.It had begun in famipar fashion, in the sturm und drang of a sporting confpct between England and Germany.在英德绿茵争斗的狂飙时期,这场比赛开局还是老样子。

2."At the moment I want Jack to gain experience, if possible at Arsenal, " said the manager after Wednesday's win over Sturm Graz.在星期三战胜格拉兹风暴队之后这名主帅说道,“因此我现在给他机会去比赛,以便于他能够融入一线队。”

3.As you've heard, some biologists pke Rick Sturm, try to use terms pke "geographical ancestry" .正如你所耳闻的那样,一些生物学家,比如说里克·斯特姆,试图采用一些诸如“地理祖先”的术语。

4.Many locals claim that it takes several years of practice to distinguish between Sturm wine and vinegar.许多当地人说,要将斯蒂尔姆酒和醋区别开来可是需要多年实践经验的哦。

5.The next part deals with operator theory, focusing on integral and Sturm--Liouville operators.下一个部分与操作者理论交易,集中于积分和斯特姆--刘维尔算子。

6.Sturm Ruger has nearly trebled since the Kenyan Communist took office.肯尼亚共产党上台以来,鲁格公司的股价几乎已经达到原来的三倍。

7.If you visit in fall, try Sturm, the semi-fermented new wine made from the season's first grape harvest and only available in autumn.如果您秋天来到这里,可以品尝一下斯蒂尔姆酒,这是一种用当年收获的第一季葡萄半发酵制成的新酒,只在秋季有售。

8.Sturm's team is working to isolate the part of the brain in control of embarrassment.Sturm的团队正致力于区分出大脑中控制尴尬情绪的部分。

9.All the Sturm und Drang has beaten down the whole market, including some household names.金融风暴打击了整个市场,一些家喻户晓的名字也未能幸免。

10.The work was presented in a talk by Sturm Thursday (April 14) at the 64th annual American Academy of Neurology meeting in Hawaii.这项工作是由Sturm于周四(4月14日)在夏威夷举办的第64届美国神经病学学会上做的报告中提出的。