


美式发音: [əˈraɪ] 英式发音: [ə'raɪ]





adj.straight,all right

adj.crooked,askew,skewed,off beam,out of kilter



1.出错;出岔子if sthgoes awry , it does not happen in the way that was planned.

All my plans for the party had gone awry.我的聚会计划全乱了套。

2.歪;斜not in the right position

She rushed out, her hair awry.她披头散发冲了出来。



adj.1.not in the correct position, especially not straight or neat

adv.1.away from the proper position, turned or twisted to one side

1.扭曲的 awning ? n. 雨篷,遮阳篷 awry ? adj. 扭曲的,走样的 axiomatic adj. 不证自明的,公理的 ...

2.走样的 awning ? n. 雨篷,遮阳篷 awry ? adj. 扭曲的,走样的 axiomatic adj. 不证自明的,公理的 ...

3.歪 waitress n. 女服务生 awry a. ;斜 apron n. 围裙 ...

4.斜 waitress n. 女服务生 awry a. 歪; apron n. 围裙 ...

5.歪曲的 hemisphere: 半球 awry: 错误的,歪曲的 pet rock: 宠物石,一个叫做 ...

6.歪斜的 reunite<> 再结合 awry<> 歪斜的 improperly adjusted<> 调整不当 ...

7.歪斜地 awe 使敬畏;使畏怯 awry 歪曲;歪斜地;错误低 abase 使…谦卑;降低…


1.Economic fundamentals are 'going awry, ' notes Neil Mellor, a currency analyst at Bank of New York Mellon in London.纽约银行驻伦敦外汇分析师梅勒(NeilMellor)说,经济基本面开始出现问题。

2.Some people may feel angry about this childhood prank gone way awry, but I personally enjoyed it all.很多人对这个少年过分的恶作剧感到气愤,但我倒是很喜欢。

3.We find ourselves in a global crisis, and there is no doubt that something has gone seriously awry with our relationship to our environment.我们发现自身正处于全球危机之中,毫无疑问某种东西已经严重扭曲了我们与环境之间的关系。

4.But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess.不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。

5.Now North Korea has only China to turn to if the poptical transition that seems to be starting goes awry.现在朝鲜似乎将要出岔子的政治过渡只能求助于中国。

6.Things go awry when stress persists and your body has no opportunity to return to its resting state.当压力持久不变,情形就有了偏离,你的身体不再有机会返回到它的原来的休眠状态。

7.I came to understand scoposis as having a complex rotational dynamic, arising out of a growth process, albeit one that has gone awry .我开始理解脊柱侧凸是一种复杂的转动动力,源于生长过程那块早已弯曲的骨头。

8.Prior to the Linux 2. 6 kernel, file caching on a Linux system could go awry, using a huge number of cycles trying to manage the file cache.对于Linux2.6之前版本的内核,Linux系统上的文件缓存可能会出差错,需要花费大量的周期来管理文件缓存。

9.They attack it, pke a vulture on prey. As soon as something look pke it's about to go awry they are on top of it to squash it.他们会采取进攻,就像秃鹰捕食猎物一样。一旦事情看起来将要出错时,他们就会占据上方进行打击。

10.By thy first step awry, thou didst plant the germ of evil; but since that moment, it has all been a dark necessity.由于第一步走歪了,你就种下了邪恶的胚胎;但自从那时起,它也就成了一种阴暗的必然。