




1.标普500指数 原油( OIL) 标普500指数( SP500) 恒升指数( HSI) ...

2.标准普尔500 道琼斯指数( DJI30) 标准普尔500( SP500) 中国平安( SH601318) ...


1.The S& P 500 index, which had been down, ralped sharply, though gains later subsided.一直处于跌势的标准普尔500指数(S&P500)大幅上涨,不过后来涨幅收窄。

2.As a group, hedge funds were up in 2007 when the markets were down, and they lost only half as much in 2008 as the S& P 500.在2007年市场下滑的时候,对冲基金做为一个整体则有所上涨,且2008年的损失仅相当于S&P500指数的一半。

3.Tenet Healthcare, the only hospital company in the index, is expected to have a profit decrease for the period.TenetHealthcare,S&P500指数内唯一的医院公司,预计将在衰退期迎来利润衰减。

4.The index has outperformed the S& P500 by 11% a year since 2002 (see chart).从2002年来,这个指数年均跑赢标普500(S&P500)指数11%(如图)。

5.All had sopd records of dividend payments and all were among the top 10 dividend-paying companies in the S& P 500 in 2007.它们都曾拥有良好的红利支付记录,并且都曾位列2007年标准普尔500(S&P500)前10大红利支付公司之列。

6.By contrast, equity markets have barely budged with the S& P 500 down by less than 1 per cent in the same period.相比之下,股市几乎没有什么变动,标准普尔500(S&P500)指数同期跌幅不到1%。

7.As a result, corporate profits should fall well below expectations, especially for the non-financial component of the S& P 500.因此,企业利润会降至远低于预期的水平,特别是标准普尔500指数(S&P500)中的非金融成分股。

8.The firm manages 120 exchange-traded funds, as of Sept. 30, and the SPDR S& P 500 fund is the only one larger than GLD.截至9月30日,该公司管理着120只交易所交易基金,只有SPDRS&P500基金的规模比GLD大。

9.But their respective performances have diverged this month with the S& P 500 index almost unchanged but gold up more than 5 per cent.但本月两者的市场表现开始出现差异,标普500(S&P500)指数几乎未动,而金价却上涨了逾5%。

10.The S& P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite Index behaved similarly, shedding a handful of points in recent trading.标准普尔500指数(S&P500)和纳斯达克综合指数(NASDAQCompositeIndex)表现相似,在近日的成交中下跌几个点。