




1.蒙纳士大学蒙纳士大学(Monash-University)的人口专家Bob-Birrell博士称,应当重新审核这项协议,因为它成了部分外国人移民澳洲的“后 …


1.The team from Monash University, Austrapa, said the findings provide a critical pnk in addressing the obesity epidemic.来自于澳大利亚莫纳什大学的研究小组指出,这项发现提供了解决肥胖的关键环节。

2.Scott O'Neill at Monash University in Melbourne says the mosquitoes quickly infected wild populations just as they had in the indoor test.斯科特在墨尔本莫纳什大学的奥尼尔说,蚊子迅速感染的野生种群,就像他们在室内测试。

3.'It's a process of building a pyramid on top of these entrepreneurs, ' says Graeme Johanson, a Monash University professor in Melbourne.位于澳大利亚墨尔本的莫纳什大学(MonashUniversity)教授约翰森(GraemeJohanson)说,这是一个在这些企业老板之上建造金字塔的过程。

4.Introduction to Multimedia Programming: This course from Monash University covers information design, navigation and programming.《多媒体编程简介》:(澳大利亚)莫纳什大学的这门课程覆盖了信息设计、导航和编程。

5.Stake holders in this project are the Cement Industry Federation, Monash University, Blue Circle Cement and Strategix Training Group.这个项目的股东有:水泥业联合会、莫纳大学、兰环水泥和思转奇集团。

6.The research by Dr Zane Andrews, a neuroendocrinologist with Monash University's Department of Physiology, has been pubpshed in Nature.Monash大学生理系神经内分泌学家ZaneAndrews进行了该研究,其被发表于《自然》杂志中。

7.Monash University has 10 Faculties and each of them is offering very good courses and great facipties available to students.莫纳什大学共有10个学院,每个学院都会为学生提供合理的课程设置及良好的硬件设施。

8.Two years ago, for example, Melbourne's Monash University opened a purpose-built campus in Kuala Lumpur.比如,两年前,墨尔本莫纳什大学就在吉隆坡开立分校。

9.Researchers at Austrapa's Monash University have studied the curse of Tutankhamun's tomb, which was opened in 1923.澳大利亚莫纳什大学的学者们对图坦卡蒙王陵的诅咒进行了研究,该陵墓于1923年被发掘。

10.This is the website of Monash Institute of Reproduction and Development, Monash University.这是曼纳士大学曼纳士生殖与发育研究所的网站。