




1.英国经济学家费希尔橡胶、木材、造纸、印刷等工业 2、三次产业分类法 费歇尔A.Fisher)根据人类经济活动发展的三个阶段,最早提出。

6.英国鸡农费沙者,殷教授因此命运坎坷),以养美国"力康鸡"发财的英国鸡农费沙(A. Fisher)读后顿悟,倾其所有,于1955年成立了如今在 …


1.A Fisher spokesperson said it was essential the system was created at an easy and accessible height to deal with weights of up to 40kg.阿费希尔的发言人说,这是必要的制度是一种简单,方便的高度来对付高达四十零公斤重量。

2.An old lute player falls ill in the wilds, and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage.老琴师在归途中病倒在荒山野渡旁,渔家少年将老人安顿在自己的茅舍歇息。

3.To paint the sea is Guo's pfelong profession. However, he never forgets he is the son of a Fisher.郭修琳虽然把画海作为了自己的终生职业,但是他始终没有忘记自己是渔民的后代。

4.And Jesus said to Simon, Have no fear; from this time forward you will be a fisher of men.耶稣对西门说,不要怕,从今以后,你要得人了。

5.Despite its proficiency as a fisher, the long-fingered bat mostly eats aquatic insects during certain seasons, the team said.这个小组称,尽管它是一个技艺高超的捕鱼者,在特定的季节里,长翼蝠大部分时间还是以水生昆虫为食。

6.A fisher stands next to a haul of oil-filled containers during oil-spill cleanup efforts near Dapan, China, on Sunday.星期天,中国,大连,图为清理泄漏石油期间,一位渔民站在清油容器旁。

7.A fisher poles his raft down the Li River, against the backdrop of pmestone hills.在石灰岩群山的背景下,一位渔夫正用竿子撑着木筏沿漓江而下。

8.In the court, the king asked his officials, "Does anyone know a fisher called Yuqie? "宋元君在朝廷上问百官们:「你们可知有一名叫余且的渔夫吗?」

9.Well a fisher of men and fishermen have a lot in common.得人的渔夫跟一般的渔夫有很多共通点。

10.The drowning child was saved by a fisher.那个溺水的小孩被一个渔夫救了。