




1.维多利亚公园 Market)是一座观光客喜好游逛的市场,座落在维多利亚公园(Victoria Park)边上,原来是一座建於1905年的垃圾焚化场,后 …

2.维多利亚公园球场 添马 Tamar 维园 Victoria Park 博览馆 AsiaWorld-Expo ...

4.维多利亚园 Vaughan Garden 富利园 Victoria Park 维多利亚园 Villa Azura 翠蓝别墅 ...

5.号维多利亚公园巴士线 ... 10号范霍恩巴士线( Van Horne) 24号维多利亚公园巴士线Victoria Park) 25号当妙斯巴士线( Don Mills…

6.维多利亚公园路在维多利亚公园路(Victoria Park)经营十年之久服装店铺的西迪克(Abubakar Siddique)怀念以往宁静的日子。他说:“当店门前站 …


1.Beginning the walk just next to the Olympic stadium, the Hertford Union canal makes its way past Victoria Park to end at Regent's Canal.赫特福德联盟运河从奥运体育馆边上开始,流过维多利亚公园最后和瑞金特运河汇合。

2.Observing the crowd management operation of the June 4th Candle Light Vigil at Victoria Park.观察维多利亚公园六四烛光晚会的人群管理行动。

3.By 2pm, hundreds of protesters had already assembled in Victoria Park.下午二时已有数千人在维园聚集。

4.The march route is from Victoria Park to the Central Government Offices.游行路线是由维多利亚公园至中区政府合署。

5.A. I'm moving to the City Centre near Victoria Park.我要搬去城市中心近维多利亚公园。

6.Rodolfo Borrell's men will face the Hornets after they beat Hartlepool United 2-0 at Victoria Park on Tuesday night.博雷利的球队将会面对周二晚上在维多利亚公园2比0击败哈特尔普尔联队的黄蜂。

7.We then went to the former "Victoria Park" now renamed and no I can't remember the new name.然后我们去了“维多利亚公园”,现在改了名字,我想不起来是什么了。

8.More than 20, 000 protesters are expected to gather in Victoria Park on January 1 to demand increased democracy and power to the people.预料一月一日会有超过二万名市民于维园聚集,争取民主并要求还政于民。

9.Not seldom did I go to Victoria Park while I stayed in Causeway Bay.我住在铜锣湾期间常到维多利亚公园去。

10.The construction of a planetarium in Victoria Park on Hong Kong Island was proposed prepminarily by the.初步建议在港岛维多利亚公园兴建一所天文馆。