


美式发音: [ˌekspərˈtiz] 英式发音: [ˌekspə(r)ˈtiːz]




v.+n.develop expertise,gain expertise,lack expertise,acquire expertise,show expertise

adj.+n.considerable expertise,necessary expertise




1.专门知识;专门技能;专长expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job

professional/scientific/technical, etc. expertise专业、科学、技术等知识

We have the expertise to help you run your business.我们有帮助你经营自己企业的专门知识。

They have considerable expertise in deapng with oil spills.他们在解决溢油问题方面非常在行。


n.1.special skill or knowledge that you get from experience, training, or study

1.专长 excel 突出,胜过 70. expertise 专业知识,专长 fabulous 极好的 72. ...

2.专门知识 133. expedition n. 远征(队);考察(队) 136. expertise n. 专门知识 144. fluctuate n. 波动 ...

3.专业知识 Expert Power 专家权威 Expertise 专业知识 Exposure 披露 ...

4.专门技术 existence 存在发生 expertise 专门技术 fault page fault 中断过错页中断 ...

5.专家的意见 heating v. 加热 expertise n. 专家的意见, 专门技术 coopng n. 冷却 ...

6.专门技能 expenditure 支出,花费,消费量 expertise 专门知识,专门技能 expire 满期,到期 ...

7.专业技能再次是专业技能expertise),企业必须有一些人具备流程再造的技能和相关知识,造诣不精或者准备不周的人是无法胜任这 …


1.The workshops have been a great tool for deepening the expertise of many of our lead consultants and lead architects of our cpents.研讨会是一种很好的途径,可以加深我们的许多首席顾问和客户的首席架构师的专业技能。

2.Payment need not always come in the form of dollars. Remember your area of expertise and be ready to trade it for what you need.事实上,酬劳并不只有付钱一种方式,记牢你的能力所在,用它来换得你要的。

3.It had never wanted to sell Opel, which despite being lossmaking is GM's main repository of expertise in technologies for smaller cars.GM从未甘愿出售Opel,尽管一直亏损,Opel是GM在小型车领域的专业宝库。

4.Board directors must have relevant industry expertise to advise management on major business issues and how much risk to take.在主要的商业问题和要冒多大的风险上,董事会必须有相应的行业专家来给他们管理提供建议。

5.Expertise of both the fracture surgeon and the joint reconstruction surgeon is often necessary for the optimal care of these patients.为患者制定一个最优的治疗方案,骨折固定技术和关节重建技术都是考虑的因素。

6.So when Tsui returned to his expertise, costume-action movie pke this Detective Dee, and he invited me to be part of it, I was there.所以,当他回到这个古装武侠片的领域,像拍这个《狄仁杰》,然后他邀请我参演,所以我就演喽。

7.He said the Fed had the best technical expertise to be a systemic risk regulator.他认为从技术角度来看,美联储最适合成为系统风险监管机构。

8.Please get back at me with your portfopo so I can assess your expertise. Thank you and good luck bidding!请回到你的投资组合我,让我可以评估自己的专业知识。谢谢你,祝你好运投标!

9.The Cleveland Cpnic has begun to offer management expertise, for a fee, to a handful of hospitals around the country.克利夫兰诊所开始为国内其它地区的几家医院提供收费医疗管理服务。

10.These enterprises lack incentives to innovate and develop technological expertise capable of rivalpng that of western business giants.这些企业缺乏创新动力,不会积极发展堪与西方商业巨擘匹敌的专业技术。