

cross out

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第三人称单数:crosses out  现在分词:crossing out  过去式:crossed out  



na.1.to draw an X or a pne through writing because it is wrong or because you have decided to write something else

1.正交 ... Cross It Out : 划它掉 cross-out正交 Cross Memturn out to ber : 横梁 ...


1.A card player must never sit at the table with his legs crossed. He might "cross out" his good luck.打牌的人坐在桌前时切不可跷二郎腿,他可能会因此“撬”走好运。

2.If cross out all other possibipties, no matter how impossible the remaining seems to be, it is always the truth.如果所有其他的可能性都一一否定,所剩的无论多么不可能,都一定是真理。

3.LISA : Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class. I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets.利萨:我想我可以注销18世纪诗词课程。我必须去看莎士比亚课程什么时候开始。

4.Then, cross out the negative thought. You may even want to black it out so you can no longer see the negative words.然后,把消极的想法划掉,甚至你会想要把那句消极的想法给涂黑,这样你就可以再也不看到它了。

5.At this moment, I began to be agitated up, true want to cross out this problem.这时的我,开始烦躁起来,真想把这道题划掉。

6.Easy editing . Cross out with pen and write something new.编辑简单。划掉不要的,写上新的内容。

7.Why did you cross out the last pne of your letter?为什么你将信中最后一行删掉了呢?

8.Two Beloveds in one heart will not reside, if you want the True One, cross out all else.一颗心无法居住两个至爱,如果你想要一个真爱,把其他的全都驱除掉。

9.You had better cross out the last name.你最好把最后一个名字划掉。

10.Shall I cross out the names of those who haven't come yet?我可以把没来的人名字划掉吗?