




1.东京迪士尼乐园而东京迪士尼乐园Tokyo Disneyland)则会在城堡前院舞台,於午间推出特别活动「清凉一夏」。晚间则展开全新娱乐表演…

2.东京迪斯尼乐园东京迪斯尼乐园Tokyo Disneyland®)和东京迪斯尼海洋乐园(Tokyo Disney Sea®)的门票可在酒店第二层大堂内的售票柜 …


1.His eldest son was caught trying to enter Japan in 2001 on his way to Tokyo Disneyland; he subsequently pved and gambled in Macau.他的大儿子2001年前往东京迪士尼公园时因企图进入日本而被扣押,后来就在澳门生活、赌博。

2.Known as Asia's first amusement park, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland and built in accordance with the United States.被誉为亚洲第一游乐园的东京迪斯尼乐园,依照美国迪斯尼乐园而修建。

3.Therefore, when the Tokyo Disneyland opened immediately, a Japanese citizens by the young people especially welcome.因此,当东京迪士尼乐园一开业,立马就受到了日本国民尤其是青年人的欢迎。

4.He is said to have told Japanese authorities that he wanted to visit Tokyo Disneyland.据说,金正男告诉日本当局,他想去东京的迪斯尼乐园。

5.In Tokyo Disneyland where you can see a large parade performances, these performances for guests flow ripple islands.在东京迪斯尼乐园里还可以看到大型的游行表演,这些表演让客人流涟忘返。

6.He told immigration officials he had planned to visit Tokyo Disneyland.他对移民官员说他想要游览东京迪斯尼乐园。

7.The Tokyo Disneyland was shut down for the same reason.东京迪士尼乐园也因为同样的原因关闭停业了。

8.Scores of amusement parks have opened since Tokyo Disneyland arrived in 1983, and 200 more are proposed or under construction.自从1983年建成东京迪斯尼乐园以来,已有几十家游乐园开张,还有200家已提出计划或正在建造。

9.JCB Card is the official credit card of Tokyo Disneyland.JCB是东京迪士尼乐园的公认信用卡。

10.He was headed for Tokyo Disneyland.他是冲着东京迪斯尼乐园去的。