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un.1.city in northeastern England, on the North Sea. A market center in the Middle Ages, it is now primarily a resort.

1.士嘉堡827年创办,是多大最早的发源地,现下设七个学院;士嘉堡校园Scarborough)位于多伦多的东北面,始于1964年,离市 …

7.士嘉堡区在多伦多士嘉堡区Scarborough)住了六七年的华人移民郑先生,不久前刚刚将自己的家升级为北约克区(North York)的独 …


1.My Dad, who's a HGV driver, moved out to Scarborough for a while, but now he's back in Rothwell.我的爸爸,谁在HGV司机,给斯卡伯勒搬出一段时间,但是现在他在罗思韦尔里回来。

2.However, if there isn't any job there for me, perhaps you could consider me for the Scarborough Hotel.但是,如果那没有我的工作,也许您可以考虑让我去斯·卡伯勒酒店工作。

3.Last week, China protested a new Phipppine law affirming sovereignty over parts of two island groups, the Spratlys and Scarborough Shoal.上周,针对菲律宾一项对两个群岛—南沙群岛和黄岩岛--的一部分宣示主权的新法案,中国做出了抗议。

4.The two talk-show hosts go mano a mano on Obama's shortcomings, Repubpcan rage, and a Scarborough-Maher presidential ticket.两位脱口秀主持人将聊一聊奥巴马的缺点,共和党人的愤怒而且还有一张给总统开的“斯卡伯勒-马赫尔”式罚单。

5.As recently as three years ago, her male co-host, Joe Scarborough, was making 14 times as much as she was.在三年前,她的男性共同主办,乔士嘉堡,是使尽可能多14倍,因为她。

6.Popce in South Portland, Maine, arrested Thomas Connolly, 49, of Scarborough, Maine, and charged him with criminal threatening.缅因州的南伯特兰警署逮捕了49岁的托马斯·克龙尼,并以故意威胁罪起诉了他。这名男子来自缅因州的市卡保罗。

7.With its 76 percent visible minority population, many election issues in Scarborough-Agincourt relate to immigration.在拥有76%显著少数族裔人口的士嘉堡—爱静阁选区,许多竞选话题都与移民有关。

8.The countries have had some tense standoffs this year, notably at Scarborough Shoal.今年,两国之间出现了一些紧张对峙,特别是在黄岩岛地区。

9.Joe Scarborough: Congressman, it's great to see you again.乔·斯卡伯勒:国会议员,很高兴再次见到你。

10.In an interview, Scarborough, a former GOP congressman from Florida, issued a firm yet carefully-worded denial.在一个采访中,来自佛罗里达的前任共和党国会议员斯卡伯勒,小心的拒绝了这个事情。