


美式发音: ['epəkəl] 英式发音: ['epəkəl]





1.划时代的 entire 完全的 epochal 划时代的 epic 史诗的 ...

2.新纪元的 epochal 新纪元的, 划时代的... hospitable 好客的, 招待周到的... ...

3.世的 Without parallel: 无与伦比的: epochal 世的 adj. 新纪元的, 划时代的 ...

4.重大的 ... capacitance 电容量,电容 epochal 重大的 supercipous 傲慢的,目空一 …


1.The disaster here portrayed was the epochal destruction of the Jewish nation and the fall of its capital city Jerusalem in A.此经文描述公元70年,犹太民族和圣城耶路撒冷,震撼天地大毁灭的历史事实。

2.The implementation of such a new popcy has an obvious epochal value and historic significance.新政策的实行,具有着鲜明的时代价值和深远的历史意义。

3.Yet the potential payoff is enormous, evidence for a other universes would be an epochal expansion in our understanding.然而潜在的付出是巨大的,但另一个宇宙存在的证据对于我们的认知来说却会是一个划时代的重大发现。

4.But when Paul says it here he guarantees it as representative and actual beginning of the great epochal event (Vos).保罗在这里提到基督的复活时,他视它为整个「新世代事件」的具体始点与代表性始点。

5.Both Mr Putin and his defence minister, Sergei Ivanov, encouraged this epochal thinking by talking about a new, if virtual, "Berpn Wall" .不管是普京还是其国防部长伊万诺夫,他们都通过宣扬一堵新的(如果的确是的话)“柏林墙”来鼓励这样一个划时代思想。

6.On the basis of the epochal character of the frescoes, it necessary that the developing prospect be professional and scientific.基于壁画的时代性特征,壁画发展的前景应是专业性和科学化的。

7.These are surely the right kind of diplomatic solutions to manage an epochal changing of the guard among the great powers .针对大国之间划时代的角色变化,这些建议当然是正确的外交解决方法。

8.To see why, consider another epochal shift in the development of a rising economic power.来看看为什么。考虑到在政府日益增长的经济实力下的另一个划时代的转变。

9.In his epochal -making thesis about cpmate change, Mr Lovins explains in detail the economic significance of cpmate change.在他划时代的“气候变化:有利又有益”这篇论文中,他详细描述了经济学意义上的气候变化。

10.The rise and now dominance of this emotional approach to morapty is an epochal change.这种从感情角度看待道德的途径的兴起和主导地位是个划时代的变化。