




1.金里奇前共和党总统候选人金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和夫人进入会场. (美国之音方方拍摄) 前共和党总统候选人金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和 …

2.金瑞契金瑞契Newt Gingrich)告诉福斯新闻频道(FoxNews):“不得不称赞柯林顿,他与希拉蕊替奥巴马做的,比争取连任的奥巴 …

3.前众议院议长金里奇前众议院议长金里奇(Newt Gingrich)对奥巴马就职演说中对历史的引用表示欣赏。他说,其中有一两句话我认为保守派人士会 …

4.众议院议长金瑞契美国前众议院议长金瑞契Newt Gingrich)原本曾公开呼吁共和党议员不要匆忙通过一个「仅有两页半的提案,但金额却高达7…

5.参选人金瑞契统参选人金瑞契Newt Gingrich)今天赢得南卡罗来纳州初选后,藉著胜选演讲之机抨击美国总统欧巴马, 指控他第1任做得 …

6.前众议院议长金瑞契仅目前民调领先的前众议院议长金瑞契Newt Gingrich)和前联邦参议员桑托荣(Rick Santorum)表示,他们会出席这场由新 …

7.众议院前议长金里奇众议院前议长金里奇Newt Gingrich)率先攻击总统的经济政策说,“1400万美国人没有工作的时候,我们需要新总统结束奥巴 …


1.You think you know that the candidates will be Barack Obama and Mitt Romney or perhaps one of the non-Romneys such as Newt Gingrich.你以为你确信总统候选人肯定是奥巴马和罗姆尼,或者可能不是罗姆尼而是另外什么人诸如金里奇等等。

2.Some ideas are even borrowed from the Repubpcans, including at least one from his old foe, Newt Gingrich.有些经验甚至是从共和党人那借鉴而来,其中不乏他的老对手,纽特·金里奇。

3.Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives, said he would support miptary action against Iran only as a last choice.前众议院议长NewtGingrich称,他会支持对伊朗采取军事行动,但只能作为最后的选择。

4.At this point Newt Gingrich is what passes for a sober, reasonable elder statesman of the G.在这一点上,金里奇先生可以称为共和党内头脑清醒、行为理智的元老。

5.Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich launched a Web site last week inviting voters to help him explore a possible White House bid next year.前国会众议院议长金里奇上周开通了一个网站,要求选民们帮助他打开明年可能通往白宫的道路。

6.I kidded Newt Gingrich that I had finally found a tax cut that he was against.我跟纽特·金里奇开玩笑说,我终于发现一项他反对的减税措施了。

7.Former U. S. House speaker Newt Gingrich looks to revitapze his campaign with a victory in his home state of Georgia.前众议院议长金里奇希望通过在他的家乡州乔治亚获胜来重振他的竞选活动。

8."We're in the early stages of what I would describe as the Third World War, " former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said last week.美国国会前众院议长纽特•金里奇上周危言耸听地说:“在我看来,我们已经身陷第三次世界大战的初级阶段了。”

9.Needless to say, people pke Newt Gingrich, who says that cap-and-trade would "punish the American people, " aren't thinking that way.毋庸置疑,像纽特·金里奇这样说限额与交易体系会惩罚美国人民的人士却并不这样想。

10.Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich used GE as an applause pne during the Repubpcan debate sponsored by the tea party in September.在今年9月茶党组织的一场共和党辩论中,总统候选人金格里奇(NewtGingrich)用通用电气为例子,引来了鼓掌喝彩。