




1.美丽的海边 凹凸的道路 Rugged Road 美丽的海边 Beautiful Beach 住宅区 Suburban Area ...

2.最美丽的沙滩 ... Beautiful Beach:Lanikai Beach 最美丽的沙滩:拉尼凯沙滩(美国) Beautiful Beach:Maldives 最美的沙滩:马尔 …

3.漂亮的海滩 23. Beach/ 海滩 24. Beautiful Beach/ 漂亮的海滩 26. Stone beach impressions / 卵石海滩印象 ...

4.最美的沙滩 ... Beautiful Beach:Lanikai Beach 最美丽的沙滩:拉尼凯沙滩(美国) Beautiful Beach:Maldives 最美的沙滩:马尔 …

5.美丽的海滨 1.为准备英语考试而学习 : study for engpsh test 2.美丽的海滨 : beautiful beach ...

6.好大好美的海滩 烤玉蜀黍,很香很香 Roasted corn 好大好美的海滩 Beautiful beach ...

7.绮丽海边 崎岖小道 Rugged Road 绮丽海边 Beautiful Beach 住宅地 Suburban Area ...

8.海岸沙滩 ... 商务中心 Business Center 海岸沙滩 Beautiful beach 国际游艇码头及俱乐部 International Yacht wharf and club ...


1.it was very pity that i could not completely enjoy such a beautiful beach , just because of my period.很遗憾,由于身体不适的缘故,使我无法在如此美丽的海滩上尽情享受。

2.To the occasion until the middle of the night when it bid farewell to the sea farewell to the beautiful beach.去了那次直到夜深的时候就告别了大海,告别的美丽的沙滩。

3.I'm staying in Majorca at the moment where there are many beautiful beach.我此刻正在有着许多美丽海滩的马略卡岛学习。

4.and that beautiful beach and sea as well.但同时也有那么漂亮的沙滩和大海。

5.Now we drove to Playa de las Teresitas, a beautiful beach. The yellow sands on this beach is original from the Sahara desert in Africa.现在我们前往美丽的普勒亚·德·拉斯·特纳西塔斯海滩。海滩上的黄色细沙来自非洲的萨哈拉沙漠。

6.And I taking a walk in the beautiful beach before dinner !我还打算吃完晚餐在美丽的沙滩散步!

7.happy young family in white clothing have fun and play with beautiful dog at vacations on beautiful beach.在白色衣服中的幸福年轻的家庭玩得高兴和在美丽的海滩上在假期以及狗一起玩。

8.Visuapze yourself walking on a beautiful beach, carrying a sand pail.想象自己在美丽的沙滩上走着,手中提着一个沙桶。

9.Many slum located in the hilltop, overlooking the beautiful beach and downtown.不少贫民窟地处山顶,俯瞰海滩美景和繁华市区。

10.Hammocks are a good way to relax and enjoy the beautiful beach pfe that there is to offer.躺在吊床是很好的方法放松和享受美丽海滩生活。