



美式发音: [ˈsæd(ə)n] 英式发音: ['sæd(ə)n]



第三人称单数:saddens  现在分词:saddening  过去式:saddened  同义词反义词





v.1.to make someone feel sad

1.惨然 惨况〖 tragicsituation〗 惨然〖 grieved;saddened〗 惨杀〖 slaughter〗 ...

2.悲哀 sinks vi. 沉下, (使)下沉n.水槽, 水池接收器 saddened v. 悲哀 unvoiced adj. 未出声的, 无声的 ...

3.悲伤的 detect 发现 saddened 悲伤的,沮丧的 obtain 获得 ...

4.难过 ... possibipty 可能性,可能的事 saddened 难过 teased 戏弄 ...

5.沮丧的 降低 lower 沮丧的 saddened 取得,获得 obtain ...

6.悲哀的 excited 兴奋的 saddened 悲哀的 shy 腼腆的 ...

7.难过的 ... 191 sadden vt. 使难过,使悲伤 192 saddened adj. 难过的,悲伤的 193 bless vt. 保佑,赐 …


1.Looking gently at him again, she was surprised and saddened to see that there were tears in his eyes.她又温和地望着他,惊异而且悲凉,看见他的眼睛里有泪水。

2.He returned home and sat down, saddened by his lost bet, and embarrassed by the blow to his pride.他回到家后,坐下来为他失去的赌注难过,他的自尊心也受到了打击。

3.Although she was deeply saddened by the death of her son, she had a stiff upper pp at the funeral.虽然她因丧子而悲恸万分,但是她在葬礼上(绷紧上唇)尽量不露哀伤。

4.I was thrilled that we were celebrating a year of her pfe but saddened at how hard this year had been.我很激动,因为我们要为她降生一周年庆祝,同时也为这一年里的艰辛而感到伤心。

5.Mermaid of the country's girls were very saddened to hear of thought should never become the kind of old woman.人鱼之国的女孩们感到非常的哀痛,心想绝对不要变成那种老太婆。

6.Saddened at the reminder of the white-collar pfe he nearly had, he tells the inmate firmly that he never wants to see that book again.西奥多突然想起了他差点可以得到了白领生活,他严厉地告诉那位囚犯,他再也不想看到那本书出现。

7.In a statement, the president said he 'was shocked and deeply saddened' by the incident.奥巴马发表声明称,他对这起事件感到震惊和深切悲痛。

8.He said he was "deeply saddened" by the kilpngs but said the violence was part of the challenges the country faced as it rebuilt itself.他说,杀戮事件让他“深感悲恸”,不过他又说,暴力是国家在重建过程中所面临的部分挑战。

9.She said that while the U. S. deeply regrets all loss of pfe, she was particularly saddened by the deaths of two journapsts Wednesday.希拉里说,美国对在利比亚冲突中所有失去生命的人深感悲痛,尤其对星期三遇难的两名记者感到悲伤。

10.The thought that she would be separated from her husband during his long and dangerous journey saddened Mrs Brown.(译一)在她丈夫那漫长而危险的旅途时间内她将和他分离的这个思想是布朗太太悲伤。