


美式发音: [ˌes ˈef] 英式发音: [.es 'ef]


网络释义:小前锋(Small Forward);血清铁蛋白(serum ferritin);影魔(Shadow Fiend)



1.科幻小说(或影片等)science fiction


na.1.science fiction

1.小前锋(Small Forward)话,建议你选大前,但一定要练好篮板球,喜欢得分就选小前锋(SF)把!!

2.血清铁蛋白(serum ferritin)钠(SF)是一类新的非肽类内皮素拮抗剂,本研究是用阿魏酸钠(SF)治疗轻、中度CRF患者,观察治疗前后血浆、尿内皮素(…

6.六氟化硫 二氧化碳 CO2 六氟化硫 SF6 三氯硅烷 SiHG3 ...


1.The future depicted in a good SF (Science Fiction) story ought to be in fact possible, or at least plausible.一部好的科幻小说故事中描述的将来应该是事实上可能发生的,或至少是似是而非的。

2.Well with a SF Pilot on board and a crew from China, they should have no problem finding the bay bridge.有旧金山的引航员在船上,和一个中国水手,他们应该没有问题找到弯曲大桥。

3.Conclusion: The SF is one of holpful seed cells to be used for constructing tissue engineering ACL.结论:皮肤成纤维细胞可作为构建组织工程前交叉韧带的较为理想的种子细胞选择。

4.Today's SF writers are no less inventive in naming their stories, and in the last few years the long title has come into its own once again.目前科幻小说的作者们在给故事命名时更具创造性了,最近几年长题目又重归原位了。

5.It's comppcated by the fact that each SF author is an individual human being with an individual personal history.每一个科幻小说作家都是一个独立的个体,有自己的人生经历,这让整个事情更加复杂了。

6.Of course, the future and its influence on SF isn't really as simple and straightforward as I've laid it out here.当然,未来以及它对科幻小说的影响并不像我所摆出来的那么简单直接。

7.I remember being impressed early on by Alfred Bester, particularly The Stars My Destination, still one of the great SF novels.记得最早喜欢的是阿尔弗雷德•贝司特,特别是那本《群星,我们的归宿》,即使到现在它仍然是最伟大的科幻小说之一。

8.As you found, the BUSINESS. DSA file and BUSINESS. SF files share the same base file name, with different extension names.如您所见,BUSINESS.DSA文件和BUSINESS.SF文件使用相同的基文件名,但扩展名不同。

9.mari iijima says : my parents are both dentists . but they ' ve always been music lovers , sf course , they influenced me while growing up.饭岛:我的父母都是牙科医生,但他们喜爱音乐。当然。在我的成长过程中,他们给我很大影响。

10.As a matter of fact, the difference between an unsigned and a signed plug-in is these two files: . SF and . DSA.事实上,未签名和签名插件的区别就是多了这两个文件:.SF和.DSA。