




1.中央通讯社 ... 中国新闻社 China News Service 中央社(台湾) Central News Agency 中央通讯社(法) Central Press …

4.中央通信社北韩「中央通信社」(Central News Agency)说,此人名叫姜栋林(译音,Kang Dong-Rim),30岁。报导说,他昨天跨越将 …

5.通讯社中央社此外,据台湾官方通讯社中央社(Central News Agency)报道,台中市长胡志强说,打算颁给李安荣誉市民奖章。他说,李安导 …


1.The South Korean capital Seoul would be turned into a "sea of flames" , the Korean Central News Agency warned.朝鲜中央通讯社警告说,那时韩国的首都首尔将轮为“一片火海”。

2.The Korean Central News Agency described his death in an obituary as "a great loss" to the DPRK and its people.朝鲜中央新闻社在讣闻中宣称他的死亡是朝鲜及其人民的“巨大损失”。

3.But had not thought that actually has encountered Korean Central News Agency rare refuting .但没想到,却遭到了朝鲜中央通讯社罕见的驳斥。

4.Korean Central News Agency KCNA website the day of broadcast personnel to Pyongyang airport to meet the delegation of the video screen.朝中社网站当天播出了朝中社人员到平壤机场迎接代表团的视频画面。

5.The meeting is "for electing (the party's) highest leading body, " the North Korean Central News Agency said.朝鲜中央社说,这次会议是“为了选举(党的)最高领导机构”。

6.Taiwan's Central News Agency says the two had a short conversation, during which Chen Shui-bian invited Mrs. Bush to visit Taiwan.台湾中央社说,两人进行了简短的对话,其间陈水扁邀请劳拉。布什访问台湾。

7.Meanwhile, the beleaguered population is deluged with Cold War-pke propaganda through the Korean Central News Agency.同时,通过朝鲜中央新闻通讯社,让身处困境的国民经受冷战时期式的,狂轰滥炸的政治宣传。

8.Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency issued a brief statement earper today confirming the trial date.平壤的官方电台朝中社今天早些时候发表了简短的声明,确定了审判的日期。

9.The North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has expressed condolences to Mr Roh's family, the North's Korean Central News Agency reported.据北朝鲜中央新闻社报道,北朝鲜领导人金正日已经向卢武铉的家人表达了哀悼之情。

10.The DPRK has detained an American who illegally entered the country, the official Korean Central News Agency said Tuesday.据朝鲜中央通讯社29日报道,朝鲜日前扣留了一名非法入境的美国人。