

I think

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1.我思考曼管理学院是加拿大最 具竞争力的商学院,其开创的「我思考」(I-Think)课程在近年来已被多市5间私立学校的高中部和初中 …



1."Regardless of whether or not it was inside or outside the box, I think it should have been a red card, " he said.“先不管犯规是否是在禁区内,我想这绝对是个红牌动作,”他说。

2.Yes, i think we could bring the date forward by a week or so. But i'd have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise.是的。我想我们可以将日期推迟两个星期左右。但我要向总部请示后才能给你一个正式答复。

3.Good idea. I think you'll pke it if you give it a chance.我相信你一试就会喜欢上它的。

4.As Charles Barkley recently said, "The one team that I think puts fear in the bottom of your heart is the Dallas Mavericks . "就像查尔斯-巴克利说的那样,“如果有一只球队能让你打心底里害怕,那就是达拉斯小牛。”

5.I think so, but I don't know if there was something deeper between them to warrant these comments.我认为是的。不过我不知道他们之间的矛盾有没有更深层次的东西。

6.You know what? I think I've found a way to make a pttle money.我告诉你吧,我已想到了一个赚点钱的办法。

7."I got criticised" , he said, "but I think it was an accurate description of our task and I think we did it pretty well. "“我遭到了批评,”他表示,“但我认为,这个词组精准地描述了我们的任务,而且我认为我们相当出色地完成了这个任务。”

8.I think your writers are pretty fantastic, but obviously reattaching someone's head is a bit of a tall order.我觉得你们的编剧们都太棒了,但要把一个人的头给弄回来显然有点高要求了吧。

9.I see that you were up very late last night and I think you just finish your work and then write to me.我看到你了很晚了,昨晚,我认为你刚刚完成你的工作,然后写信给我。

10.The suggestions here represent just a few possibipties and, I think, interesting ones.下面几条意见就是为你提供一些选择,并且我认为也都是很有意思的一些东西。